There are no highways nearby. The railroad stops in Tirano, then you have to take a bus for an hour to get there. At 4,000 feet above sea level in Valtellina, getting to Bormio is a bit more difficult than reaching Cortina or St. Moritz. “What a shame,” the locals say. But the true mountain enthusiasts, those who can’t wait to reach the wide valley...

In Vetralla one night I was introduced to a friend of a friend who reached into a coat pocket and removed a number of jagged, colorful ceramic fragments. He had uncovered them that afternoon in his garden in Ischia di Castro, not far away. “Nothing special,” he said. “Probably late 17th or early 18th century. But quite nice, don't you think?” I tho...

For most Americans familiar with Italian Jewry, the images that linger come from Vittorio De Sica’s evocative 1971 film, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, the Academy Award-winning picture based on Italian writer Giorgio Bassani’s prize-winning 1962 novel. Set in Bassini’s picturesque hometown of Ferrara, Garden mixed the beauty of provincial Italy...

Built along the banks of the Adige river, the city of Verona has been a Unesco World Heritage site since 2000. Founded in the 1st century B.C. by the Romans, it was later conquered by different Barbarian tribes, until it became an independent municipality in the 12th century, when it prospered under the rule of the Scaligeri family. This wealthy an...

Rome residents in search of a nearby inland destination need look no further than Bolsena. Head north up the Via Cassia to Italy’s largest volcanic lake, Lake Bolsena, whose circular 43 km shoreline practically borders on Tuscany and Umbria. Here you will find beautiful scenery, placid waters, charming old towns and good fish meals. Bolsena town, a...

«Americani, Firenze ha bisogno di voi, adesso più che mai». Parola di Georgette Jupe-Pradier, americana innamorata di Firenze e blogger seguitissima dai turisti americani che vogliono visitare la nostra città. E’ nota come “Girl in Florence”, oltre 75mila followers su Instagram. Ha lasciato il Texas per Firenze oltre dieci anni fa. E’ stata lei, co...

La parola che viene più spesso pronunciata dai turisti per commentare una vacanza in Italia è “enjoy“: una destinazione, dunque, promossa a pieni voti seguendo i parametri del sentiment e analizzando le 92 emozioni che solitamente si manifestano in ogni soggetto.  È la sintesi del “Rapporto sulla percezione dell’Italia turistica”, realizzato da Soc...

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to visit Rome's greatest landmarks minus the crowds? Ever dream of taking a uncrowded subway across the capital to join a minimal or non-existent queue into the Colosseum or the Vatican Museums, or to have breathing space to enjoy the Pantheon or the Trevi Fountain? Now is your chance. An outbreak of Corona...

Information is critical to a free society but misinformation, when spread rapidly, can also have dire consequences. The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been deadly but the effects of media-induced hysteria surrounding it, in some respects, has been even more devastating - especially to the tourism sector which is vital to the Italian economy. Ho...

Quando si parla di turismo accessibile non parliamo solo di spiagge attrezzate con pedane intorno agli ombrelloni e sedie anfibie per fare il bagno in mare; né di passerelle e percorsi comodi per fare trekking in montagna; e neppure di musei, piazze e locali senza scalini al proprio ingresso. Parliamo, oltre ogni struttura e architettura, di emozio...