The beautiful walled city of Volterra, an ancient Etruscan town some 45 miles southwest of Florence, is famous for its well-preserved medieval ramparts, museums and archeological sites, and atmospheric cobblestone streets. Fans of American author Stephanie Meyer know it as the setting for the second book in the Twilight series, New Moon.  But Volte...

The archaeological park at Herculaneum, the ancient sister city of Pompeii, has several new initiatives and changes in store as the new year begins. The site saw a 9% increase in visitors over the past year, according to figures released by the park's administrators, for a total of 534,328 visitors compared to 490,030 in 2017. Park administrators a...

We’ve been hearing about how Italy’s famous landmarks have been suffering under the strain of overtourism lately. As well as crowds being a nightmare for residents, it doesn’t exactly make for the most enjoyable travel experience for visitors either. After all, it’s hard to enjoy the view when you’re being poked in the eye by someone’s selfie stick...

Milan, the city of Italian fashion and the economic capital of the country, is known to many of its inhabitants for not exactly being a colorful and shiny place. The ashy faceless buildings, the dark color of the concrete all around and the constant fog that overshadows the sun and traps the pollution have contributed to the city’s fame as an ultim...

Nestled on a little island, off the southeastern tip of Sicily stands a gleaming white cathedral. As the hot Mediterranean sun hits its towering Corinthian columns and saintly statues, the Baroque façade lights up. It’s an architectural gem and beautiful sight for the faithful and visitors alike. But there’s more to this church than meets the eye s...

La Puglia sarà per la prima volta al New York Times Travel Show, dal 25 al 27 gennaio a New York. Ogni anno visitano la fiera di New York oltre 20.000 appassionati di viaggi e professionisti del turismo. Alla fiera partecipano oltre 550 espositori tra enti del turismo, destinazioni e operatori di settore da tutto il mondo. E intanto la Puglia è sul...

Agrigento is located in the region of Sicily and was once one of the great cities of the ancient world. Founded in the 6th century BC as a Greek colony known as Akragas, the city was added to theUNESCO World Heritage site list in 1997 thanks to its rich archeological remains. Many ancient temples were built in the town, several of which are still i...

Yo, guys: don’t get so big-headed just because there is an Isle of Man. Bet you didn’t know there is an Isle of Women, in Sicily. Well, suck it up — there is. The Sicilian women created their own [wo]man-caves, so to speak. Sicily is a unique region full of fascinating people, landscapes, history, architecture and unique wonders. It is said that th...

Italian food isn’t the result of a single culinary style. It is a delectable mosaic of many regional cooking traditions that stem from each province’s geography and climate, agriculture, history, and culture. Each region provides a different flair—the truffles in Piedmont as authentically Italian as the gelato in Rome, inside the Lazio region. Whil...

Oceanside, located in Southern California, offers scenic views to its visitors. The palm-dotted harbor beach, historic wooden pier, England-style harbor and elite neighborhood provide its visitors with outlandish experience. It is a hidden gem for tourists who want to get in touch with natural beauty accompanied with exotic infrastructure. I am pro...