Called "green island" for its wonderful and lush flora, Ischia is the largest island of the Campania Archipelago, unanimously recognized among the most beautiful and characteristic in the world. The charm of the island is lost in the mists of time, countless would be the stories that can be told about it. Even now it is one of the most popular tour...

WHILE THE CAMPOSANTO (MONUMENTAL CEMETERY) is right next to one of the most recognized buildings in the world, it does not see nearly as many visitors. The silence and stillness when traversing the open-air hallways adds to the sometimes haunting nature of the 14th-15th-century frescoes. These works of art include “The Last Judgement,” “Hell,” and...

Measuring about 35 feet tall, it’s arguably the most spectacular feature of the gardens of Villa Medici at Pratolino, now part of Villa Demidoff, located about 7 miles north of Florence, Italy. A personification of the Apennine mountain ranges, it’s sculpted as though on that minimal margin between landscape and man, its smooth skin emerging out of...

THE TEMPLE OF MINERVA IN the town of Assisi, in Umbria, appears to be a perfectly preserved example of a Roman temple from the outside, but inside is home to a Catholic church. The Roman building was named during the 1st-century BCE, probably as part of the town’s forum. The structure is a typical Roman temple with six tall Corinthians columns supp...

Saint Peter’s is Rome and  Rome is Saint Peter’s: the connection between the city and the most famous church in Italy is so deeply rooted we tend to forget that, technically, the basilica and its cupolone are not in Rome and not even in Italy, for that matter, because the Vatican is an independent entity.  The small city-state was created, in the f...

TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE, NOW AN Italian region, was contested between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I, with much of the fighting concentrated in Southern Trentino. The area was located around the former border between the two powers. Here, thousands of people lost their lives in combat. Now, the remains of around 20,000 soldier...

Riccione, the city of Emilia-Romagna in the province of Rimini, has always been a symbol of the collective imagination of the Riviera Romagnola. Very lively in the summer months Riccione is considered the ideal half both for families looking for a quiet beach holiday for both young people looking for parties and nightlife. Hotels, equipped beaches,...

A HYDROCHRONOMETER IS A TYPE OF water clock. There are actually two of these extremely rare clocks located in Rome, the other is at Palazzo Berardi. Father Giovan Battista Embriaco was an inventor and professor at the College of St Thomas. Embriaco created this hydrochronometer in 1867, and after its completion, it was sent to the Paris Universal E...

Shall we just get the pleasantries out of the way? Capri is a lovely little island that floats in the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Naples and where the air is scented with bougainvillea that tumbles in wild abandon over the garden walls of white-washed villas. Blah, blah, blah. Not that I’m immune to the natural beauty of this island, and I have...

If you love driving mountain roads, this is the itinerary for you: the Stelvio Pass, the highest car pass in Italy, located at an altitude of 2,758 meters (9,050 feet) is a thrilling drive that includes 48 hairpin bends!  This road trip takes place along the State Road SS 38, the state road that connects Valtellina in Lombardy with the Val Venosta...