Please join us for a festive Carnevale/Fat Tuesday. Dinner Program on February 28th. For your enjoyment, at 6:00 PM, we will be screening a short, yet vivid and interesting video called "The Sights & Sounds of Carnevale Celebrations in Italy" created by member and music educator, Lou Barrella. Then at 7:00 PM, you will be treated to a wonderful buf...

Tuesday, March 7th  @ 7 PM. Casa Belvedere - 79 Howard Ave, SI, NY 10301. Donation: $20 per person. (Q & A and a light reception will follow the program). Copies of the book will be available for sale and autograph. Parking is located directly across the street at Notre Dame Academy. Please Call 718-273-7660 to RSVP in advance The Italian Cultural...

Now serving good news: Congratulations to one of Staten Island's own., a popular digital restaurant-reservation service, has ranked Bocelli Ristorante of Grasmere among the "Top 10 Best Italian Restaurants" in the New York/Tri-State area. Foodies use the online service to find, explore, reserve, and manage restaurant reservations free...

Bobby Granito of Staten Island is using his resilient "New York attitude" for good. Tough Mudder: The Challenge Within is a one-hour special airing on The CW Network Tuesday at 8 p.m., featuring "everyday heroes" completing the 12-mile "mud race" obstacle to prove their personal challenges have made them stronger in the end. Bobby, his brother, Jim...

The Noto family lends its famous meatball recipe. Chef Kim Leo tosses in a clam bar concept. And it will all come together soon as Noto's Casa Cucina in the Great Kills space formerly occupied by Jimmy Max. The Notos' V&J Soriano's Pork Store is a long-running Italian specialty grocery that prides itself on a Sunday tradition called "Meatball Mania...

Deadline for entries Friday , February 17, 2017. Final Competition: Sunday, April 2, 2017. Calling All Young Inventors. In keeping with the legacy of inventor Antonio Meucci, The Garibaldi-Meucci Museum is pleased to announce the: The 2017 Antonio Meucci Young Inventors’ Competition Throughout his lifetime, Antonio Meucci was responsible for many i...

Monday, March 20, 2017, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Bocelli’s Restaurant | 1250 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10305. Members $57, Non-members $67 Buy now. Spaces are limited. Gentleman always welcome. Celebrate St. Joseph’s Day with Staten Island Network members and friends! Enjoy a traditional feast of salad, a duet of pastas (including pasta con le sarde)...

Where is Zorro when we really need him? With a few swishes of his blade, he could quickly correct a long-standing typo and add a "Z" to the spelling of "Verrazano Bridge" so it matches its namesake, the Italian-born explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano. The issue recently resurfaced when a college student brought media attention to the spelling error wh...

Saint Adalbert's Church - 337 Morningstar Road   Staten Island, NY 10303 - (718) 442-8476   7 PM Outdoor Rosary (weather permitting) 8 PM Solemn Cantata Mass in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel followed by candlelight procession with the statue of the Madonna throughout the streets of Elm Park Staten Island. The statue...

On Saturday, January 11, 2014, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum will host an artists' opening reception for "Piccole Belle Cose 2014," a show of "Small Beautiful Things" by members of IAVANET (Italian-American Visual Artists' Network). The IAVANET artists, who had their inaugural exhibition at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum in 2010,...