The recovery in southern Italy is continuing, driven by business. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.9% in 2016, after +1% in 2015: moderate growth that should continue also in the first part of 2017. And it is industry in the strict sense which is fueling this trend: its value added rose in 2016 by 3.4%: two points higher than the Italian average...

We often hear about the constant efforts by Italy’s regulatory bodies to safeguard our authentic “Made in Italy” merchandise mark. A lot of times, however, the best solutions are the ones developed by young start-up companies, like the Sardinian Autentico, that employs “Near Field Communication” (NFC) technology to prevent Italian products’ counter...

Italy is a world-leading creative manufacturing powerhouse, and we are strongly committed in gathering the best talents and resources in the world to foster its vision and leadership. After 4 four years of educational and corporate innovation programs, we have decided to map and open the Italian high-end manufacturing know-how to select, invest in...

When Gaetano Donizetti’s operatic tragedy Lucia di Lammermoor opens at the Santa Fe Opera in July, women touched by the tragic-romantic performance can bury their memories in a new, authentic Italian “Lucia Clutch” handbag. The handmade leather clutch comes from artisan workshops in Italy through a limited-edition offering by Santa Fe startup “ital...

The Italian Trade Agency of Los Angeles, in collaboration with the Los Angeles Venture Association, is pleased to invite you to the event Sardinia Goes Global. The event will take place at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles on June 9, from 6:30pm. to 9:15pm. Linked below the event website where you can find all the relevant information –...

Nel mondo sta impazzando la moda dei barber shop in stile italiano. Il merito è di una startup di Bari, la Sen Martin, nata con un progetto di arredamenti per barber shop in stile vintage che sta facendo rinascere la moda delle barberie Made in Italy. Un progetto ideato e messo in opera da 8 giovani professionisti tra cui due architetti, un social...

L’anniversario della Repubblica è stato celebrato a Los Angeles nella cornice istituzionale dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura. “La Repubblica Italiana” - ha sottolineato il Console Generale Antonio Verde - “si fonda saldamente su valori universali di libertà, giustizia, uguaglianza e rispetto dei diritti umani, prezioso contributo di sviluppo e pac...

Iscleanair è stata fondata nel 2015, ma la sua fase di startup è cominciata molto prima, quando è nata l’idea, nel 2004.  Tutto è partito dall’intenzione di ottenere una soluzione per ripulire l’aria dagli inquinanti. Il team di lavoro che si è formato pian piano l’ha sperimentata in diversi laboratori e nel 2011 è partita la prototipazione. Oggi I...

Last week we started our spring selection of the best startups 2017 born in Italy in the last years. Certainly, the list was not finished there. We are glad to present you three more Italian startup companies that, in our opinion, are among the most promissing ones this year. You know, Italy is known for its healthy and delicious food. That’s why i...

Precision agriculture and wi-fi connections to save olive trees. This, in short, is the mission carried out by Italian food tech startup called Elaisian, founded by three young entrepreneurs in November last year. “Thanks to an agronomic algorithm,” said Damiano Angelici, Elaisian CEO, “we can give olive oil producers advice on what’s best to be do...