Gli instagramers di tutta Italia e non solo si riuniranno per la prima volta in Sicilia. Come ogni anno, IgersItalia (la community che raduna gli amanti del social network delle foto) organizza un meeting ufficiale di tre giorni che si terrà a Catania e Siracusa, dal 29 settembre al 1 ottobre.   Le vie delle due città (e molti siti d’interesse nell...

A little after 2 p.m. on an impossibly muggy summer day in June, I squeeze my sweaty, 6-foot-1-inch body into the passenger seat of Antonio Puliafito's shiny black Maserati. As excited as I am about speeding along the Italian coast in a luxury convertible, Puliafito isn't showing off what his nifty '90s-era, 6-cylinder Italian sports car can do. He...

When you mention you are going to Sicily, people will most often respond with a comment about the Mafia, or maybe the famous Godfather tour. But the largest Mediterranean island off the southern coast of Italy has a rich history as a nexus of global trade (dating all the way back to the ancient Greeks). Sicilian culture, from the food to the fashio...

From fashion to energy - the rind and seeds of Sicily's most famous citrus fruit, the humble orange, are being used in a range of greener, healthier business initiatives. In 2011, Adriana Santonocito was a design student in Milan when she first had the idea of making sustainable textiles from what was naturally abundant, and widely wasted, in her n...

Rejoice wine lovers! US researchers have discovered a large storage jar that predates advent of wine during the Copper Age (early 4th millennium BC). Chemical analysis conducted on ancient pottery could dramatically predate the commencement of winemaking in Italy. This findings, are published in Microchemical Journal, are significant as it's the ea...

Da un’isola ad un’altra. E poi ancora un’altra isola. Un destino isolano a cui Salvatore Fraterrigo, titolare e chef del ristorante newyorchese Norma- Gastronomia siciliana, non sembra riesca a sottrarsi. Lascia la sua Sicilia nel 2004 per Manhattan. E sposa una sarda. Della sua Trapani si porta dietro sapori e saperi che diventano l’ambiente e il...

Located at the foot of Mount Etna, which often provides thrilling eruptions, Catania overlooks the Ionian Sea. It is a beautiful art city, an undisputed example of Sicilian Baroque, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with other cities in the Val di Noto.

Dopo aver deliziato il palato dei leader del G7 a Taormina - rappresentando i sapori e gli odori della incommensurabile cucina siciliana con un menù a base di tortelli ripieni di basilico e pecorino siciliano in salsa di gambero rosso di Mazara, trancio di dentice con pomodorini, capperi e basilico accompagnato da un cestino di verdure e patate al...

The Sicilian American Cultural Association will present attorney Umberto S. Davi with its Medal of Merit on Sept. 24 at Monastero’s Banquets in Chicago. Tickets for the event are $40 for adults (cash bar) and $18 for children 2 to 12 years of age. Entertainment will be provided by past winners of the Bel Canto Foundation Opera Contest. (773-588-251...

Associazione Regionale Siciliana in America will stage Sapori di Sicilia at 6 p.m. on Sept. 23 at Altavilla Banquets in Addison. The event will feature an extensive array of Sicilian appetizers followed by a sumptuous dinner, music and dancing. This year, ARSA will honor the Sicilian Band of Chicago for its decades-long commitment to celebrating It...