Tradizione, arte, artigianato, il Mediterraneo con i suoi colori e soprattutto la Sicilia rappresentata in maniera totalizzante da Palermo. La Vucciria, il concept store itinerante ideato da siciliani, sbarca oltreoceano. Il 7 gennaio partirà un container per gli Stati Uniti d’America, a New York dove sarà scelta una location e poi a Londra, in Can...

Fifty years ago, the ground began to shake in Poggioreale, an ancient village in the Belìce Valley of south-west Sicily. Calogero Petralia was eating spaghetti with his family, just as he did every Sunday lunch. By the time the initial earthquake and the aftershocks that night had quietened, the house where Petralia was born and raised was gone. It...

L’inizio dei festeggiamenti per il 15° anniversario della fondazione dell’Augusta Boston Club è stato dato dagli inni nazionali Italiano e Americano cantati da Enzo Amara, presidente dell’Augusta Boston Club e corrispondente del Progetto Sicilia nel Mondo, dopo gli applausi e seguito il caloroso saluto di benvenuto fatto dal presidente del comitato...

Thanks to its location, right in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily has always been a crossroads of people and cultures, which have left their mark on the local food tradition: the local version of empanadas, ‘mpanate, a legacy of Spanish rule, or cous cous, quite common in the south of the island, even before the current ethnic food trend...

Il primo container per l’America prenderà il largo a fine febbraio: trasporterà prodotti alimentari siciliani con l’etichetta della rete di imprese made in Sicily “Gustoso”. Salse, sciroppi di zucchero, vinaigrette, vino e caffè sbarcheranno sugli scaffali della gdo americana di Walmart e Sam’s Club. Con la prima spedizione diventa così pienamente...

Spending time in the prolific kitchens of Bruno's NYC Bakery in Dongan Hills means learning from the master himself, master pastry chef Biagio Settepani, as he walks an observer through the process of building Italian desserts. Take the cassata cake, a complex specialty of the Bruno house. The dessert, the pastry patriarch and his colleague/son Joe...

Leaving home is never easy. When that journey means saying goodbye to your "terra madre" — or loosely translated, motherland — crossing the Atlantic and settling into an area that is just as foreign to you as the language, “difficult” doesn't even begin to cover it. Take it from Vita Maria Mesnick. With her Italian heritage and love of teaching per...

In this episode of The Italian American Podcast episode, I speak with Dan Yaccarino, an internationally acclaimed author-illustrator with more than thirty books to his credit. We’re going to talk specifically about one of his books called All the Way to America: The Story of a Big Italian Family and a Little Shovel. The children’s book details his...

Nei giorni in cui risuona negli aeroporti siciliani l’amaro trascinarsi dei trolley dei nostri figli all’estero, pendolari per le Feste, si affollano nella mente le immagini di Ellis Island dove nei primi anni del ‘900 approdarono oltre 4 milioni di italiani, in larga parte provenienti dal meridione e in cerca di una vita migliore. Nello specchio l...

To people of Italian – and especially Sicilian Italian – descent who have had DNA tests and are bothered that results didn’t show them to be 100% genetically Italian – don’t sweat it. In fact, if anything, these results could just be proof of how Italian you really are! Before I explain, first of all let’s establish that when most of us say we’re I...