The Doric order was one of the three orders of Greek and Roman architecture (the other two are Ionic and the Corinthian). This temple, which fortunately survived the destruction that ensued during the Carthaginian sacking of Segesta, is a fantastic relic from that architectural era. But strangely, as fine as the structure is, it has several compone...

Un’inaugurazione in grande stile è attesa per giovedì 26 luglio ore 19.00 a Grand Hotel Villa Igiea di Palermo per l’apertura ufficiale della nuova Boutique Gustoso. Al taglio del nastro parteciperanno, l’Assessore regionale all’Agricoltura dott. Edgardo Bandiera, l’On. Alessandro Aricò, il Prof. Paolo Inglese Direttore del Sistema Museale di Atene...

Italy’s riches extend to its 7600-kilometer coastline where you can find dozens of beaches with such lavish beauty it's hard to decide which one to choose. Here are seven of these spectacular coastal havens—ranging from north to south and to the islands of Sicily and Sardinia— that offer unforgettable seascapes and often surroundings that are as me...

Sono l’alter ego delle Bandiere Blu per i comuni rurali. Come quei vessilli azzurri certificano i migliori tratti di mare in base a una quantità di parametri ambientali, le Spighe Verdi sottolineano l’attenzione al territorio, alla qualità della vita, all’agricoltura e alla sostenibilità (anche quando, in certi casi, vengano assegnate a località ma...

Prosegue l’organizzazione della Conferenza Mondiale dei Giovani Italiani nel Mondo, che il CGIE intende organizzare a Palermo per il mese di aprile 2019. Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri ha infatti segnalato alle rappresentanze diplomatico-consolari la "possibilità di concedere, nei limiti delle disponibilità del Capitolo 3103/2018, per il corrente...

“Sicilian novels and memoirs that speak of food are more important to me than cookbooks,” says Mary Taylor Simeti, a grande dame of the vibrant Sicilian kitchen and culture.  “Sicily’s culture, including its food, is a magnificent melting pot, an accumulation of contributions from all the various civilizations that conquered the island throughout h...

Autore del libro “La mano nera. La vera storia di Joe Petrosino”, da cui è tratto il film che sarà interpretato da Leonardo Di Caprio nei panni del celebre poliziotto, lo scrittore e giornalista americano Stephan Talty ha ritirato ieri a Palermo il premio “Joe Petrosino Sicilia”. A promuovere l’evento l’Assemblea Regionale Siciliana, l’Associazione...

Rosa Tatuata continues on their 2018 Summer New England Concert Tour with a stop in New Bedford, MA at the Fishing Heritage Center on August 18th at 7pm. The band will be presenting an evening of the traditional maritime music of Sicily. Rosa Tatuata is musicians Michela Musolino, Phil Passantino, Charlie Rutan and Jeff Panettieri and they have as...

The wines I'm sharing with you today are made from the malvasia grape from Tasca d'Almerita on the island of Sicily. This was my first stop of the day and I was greeted by co-owner of the winery and VP, Giuseppe Tasca. Giuseppe, along with his brother Alberto and father Count Lucia Tasca, manage the operations of the winery today. Giuseppe greeted...

From the Aeolian Islands in Italy researchers at the depth of about a mile, found a lush coral forest. Located to the North of Sicily, these forests are rich in species previously unknown coral. This finding will be used for creation of the reserve in this area to attract tourists. The scientists examined deep-sea world of a group of about eight It...