by Mary E. O'Leary Longtime members of St. Michael's Church told zoning officials Tuesday that they don't want their century-plus church to face the same fate as Sacred Heart Church, which remains shuttered and unused in the Hill. St. Michael's, which is in the heart of Wooster Square, like many Catholic parishes, is facing hard times with a...

I remember my grandmother's panicked reaction to my nearly knocking a large mirror from a wall as a child. It wasn't the cleanup or the possible injury she feared from it shattering to the floor. It was the fate of her granddaughter, strapped with seven long years of bad luck that would ensue from a broken mirror. When it happened, my nana set the...

VERPLANCK, N.Y. - Verplanck's traditional Italian Feast, a 90-year-old summer staple, will take over Highland Avenue and 8th Street through Sunday.Starting today, the festival opens each night at 6 p.m. and includes rides, games, live music and Italian-American food."It's unique; it's one of the oldest-running feasts in New York. People come back e...

by Michael Lewis   When: August 2-4 - Where: Hanover St.Each Year for the past 98 years this group of devoted people come together to renew their faith in Saint Agrippina in Boston's North End, as was the custom in the land of origin, Mineo, Sicily. Each year everyone is invited to witness the respect and honor that is bestowed on this...

by Sara Tracey   When Mary Spinelli started attending the local St. Anthony of Padua Italian Feast Days 80 years ago, she remembers food being a humble addition to the festivities. Baskets of goodies and wine were carted to the Buffalo Street shrine of the patron saint of Spinelli's parish. Lamb spiedies were roasted over coals.   Th...

In early October, Our Lady of the Rosary Italian National Catholic Parish in San Diego's Little Italy will be celebrating Festa 2014, San Diego's Largest Rosary for Peace. In addition to this momentous celebration, according to Joseph Tabigue, Pastor of the parish, it is getting ready for its 100th year celebration.   "Being a Pastor, my dut...

The Rev. Robert A. Rochon, priest at St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church at 1231 Plainfield St. in Johnston, uses words like "compassionate, family, community endeavors" when he describes such events as Sunday's annual Italian Festival.   Moreover, the goings-on inside St. Brigid's filled-to-the-brim parish hall were yet another example of ju...

By Ron Cassie   Last Saturday, we tagged along on the Southeast Baltimore Christmas Church Tour for a glimpse inside seven of the city's oldest immigrant Catholic churches. Organized by the parish communities, with Christmas decorations still in full swing, we also picked up a little local history.   These photos were shot by Anthony...

By Giovanni di Napoli   Giglio Sunday was a scorcher! With temperatures soaring in the nineties, the heat made the already demanding task of carrying two massive structures all the more difficult. Far from demoralizing the lifters, I don't think I've ever seen a more spirited group of men. The paranza's fortitude and devotion was most admira...

Progetto di volontariato nei Centri Ricreativi degli Oratori Lombardi per studenti americani di italiano (Estate 2016), in collaborazione con la Dante Alighieri Society-Michigan Chapter   ODL-Oratori delle Diocesi Lombarde ( in collaborazione con la Dante Alighieri Society-Michigan Chapter (