HOW OFTEN DO YOU GET a chance to see two 2,500 year-old bronze warriors from classical Greece?  These statues in Reggio di Calabria, Italy, spent more than 2,000 years submerged under the waves of the Ionian Sea. A diver discovered the pair in 1972 and within a week the bronzes were recovered by an elated Italian government.  Stefano Mariottini cha...

The name Italia means 'inhabitants of the land of calves'. Until the beginning of the 5th century B.C., Italy referred only to Calabria, but later the name was extended to the entire southern part of the country. Between the 8th and 5th centuries BC, a massive migration wave from Greece raged in the Mediterranean. The Calabrian coasts were a tempta...

Whenever someone in my native Ireland asks me where in Italy I live and I answer “Calabria,” I almost always get the same reaction: a vacant nod or a question along the lines of “Is that near…?” I find that if I simply say, ‘The Toe,” people can connect that to the visual representation of ‘The Boot’ for which Italy has become so famous. That the a...

La pandemia da Coronavirus ha peggiorato drasticamente la situazione economica del mondo del calcio. Casse prosciugate e risorse economiche risicate: diverse società sono sull’orlo del baratro e serve un intervento netto per salvarle da un futuro sempre più incerto. Un aiuto potrebbe arrivare da investitori esteri pronti ad entrare nel calcio itali...

Edoardo Tresoldi has inaugurated a permanent installation on Reggio Calabria’s seafront, in Italy entitled Opera. Commissioned by the local Municipality and the Metropolitan City, the public art intervention “was created to celebrate the contemplative relationship between place and human beings through the language of classical architecture and the...

Legends state that Reggio Calabria was founded by Aschenez, a great grandchild of Noah. Italian Jews were the first Jews in the Diaspora, coming to Calabria in 167 BC during the time of the Macabbees.  They the only Jews in the world who moved from place to place voluntarily and we are the Jews who came to the southern Italian shores from Judea dur...

One of the symbols of Italy, but especially of Calabria, is the Riace bronzes. Two bronze statues from the Hellenic era that were found in the Italian waters off Riace, depicting two Greek warriors or gods. Symbols of a disappeared civilization and a mastery belonging to 2500 years ago, the bronzes still hide dozens of mysteries related to their da...

The narrow Strait of Messina holds much historical importance and is what separates the coastal city of Reggio Calabria (Reggio) at the very end of Italy, from the picturesque island of Sicily. A coastal town that holds many historical secrets for you to unveil, there’s enough in Reggio to keep you busy for more than a day. Art, fabulous museums, a...

Reggio Calabria is located at the tip of Italy’s ‘toe’ overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west and the Ionian Sea to the south and east. It extends to the borders of Catanzaro in the northeast and Vibo Valentia in the northwest. Because of its ideal location across the Straits of Messina, it is the launching point for ferries to Sicily and the A...