La Capital Campaign di Filitalia International, attuata per sostenere il Museo della Storia dell'Immigrazione Italiana di Philadelphia, è stata riavviata ieri, 14 Gennaio, con una visita privata coordinata dal Fondatore e Presidente Emerito di Filitalia International, Pasquale Nestico.   Durante l'evento, Nestico ha sottolineato che il Museo...

AVVISO DI ASSUNZIONE  DOMANDA DI PARTECIPAZIONE Potete ricevere ulteriori informazioni rivolgendovi direttamente al Consolato Generale:

Il Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau (PHLCVB) ha annunciato la sua partecipazione a Showcase Usa-Italy 2013, evento promosso dall'U.S. Commercial Service del Consolato Generale Americano in collaborazione con l'Associazione Visit Usa Italia e la U.S. Travel Association. Quest'anno la manifestazione – una vera e propria vetrina degli Sta...

by Dan Stamm   The Pope himself said he is likely coming to the City of Brotherly Love. NBC News correspondent Anne Thompson told the "Today" show Thursday that she spoke to Pope Francis during his recent flight to South Korea. Thompson said she asked His Holiness in Italian if he would be attending the World Meeting of Families in Phi...

Enjoy a guided walking tour, with Italian Architect Francesco Sgrazzutti, through centuries of architectural evolution where the Italian archetype accompanied the evolution of Philadelphia architecture.   The tour will focus on a selection of buildings from the great patrimony represented by historic Philadelphia, such as, the First Bank of...

By Peg DeGrassa   There's reality TV, Court TV, TruTV, Scyfy-TV, Latino TV, BET, paranormal TV and just about every other kind of TV station out there. But there has never really been a station out there that highlights, spotlights and explores everything Italian American. Until now, that is.   When my good friend Barbara Ann Zippi in...

Vatican sources say the pope intends to visit Philadelphia, September 2015 during the Catholic church's World Meeting of Families, an international gathering that takes place every three years.   When Philadelphia was first announced as the site, Pope Benedict XVI he said he planned to attend. Speculation has been building as to if Francis w...

AgustaWestland ha annunciato che lo stabilimento di Philadelphia ha consegnato il duecentesimo elicottero AW139, vero e proprio prodotto d'eccellenza della famiglia di elicotteri Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland, configurato in questo caso per i Vigili del Fuoco di Yokohama, in Giappone, cui era già stato consegnata una prima unità.   L'AW139 è l...

Please join the GACC Philadelphia, the Bertelsmann Foundation, the IACCGP and other international business organizations of the Philadelphia region for aTTIP Town Hall: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Its Impact on Philadelphia.    A panel discussion featuring: Katherine KalutkiewiczAssociate Chief Negotiato...

Trefoil offers selections from the spectacular trecento style of 14th-century Italy. Music as described in Boccaccio's Decameron: Madrigals, ballate, canons, and estampie by Landini, Cicconia, and Jacopo di Bologna.   TREFOIL is a trio of modern minstrels long active in early music, with experience in such ensembles as Les Arts Florissants,...