Ferrari North America has been sailing without a captain for the past several months since its previous chief executive, Marco Mattiacci, was called home to Italy to run the Scuderia. But now the Italian automaker has announced a new capo to run the office in New Jersey, and his name is Edwin Fenech.   Not to be confused with the French-Ital...

by Riccardo Chioni In questo angolo del New Jersey chiamato Scotch Plains, dove è di casa una nutrita comunità di abruzzesi, c'è una gran sete di italianità da parte della generazione di genitori che non ha avuto accesso alla lingua in casa e per non ripetere l'errore inizia ad insegnare l'italiano ai figli già in tenera età. Il Language and Enri...

Raymond Bartolacci, founder of the Laneco grocery chain in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, died Feb. 2. He was 91. Bartolacci, an Italian immigrant, began his food industry career as a butcher in Easton, Penn. He went on to found Laneco, which at its peak had close to 30 stores, said Sam Lipot, who worked at Laneco for 35 years.   Read more &...

Si è concluso con un salomonico quanto inutile 6 a 6 il primo scrutinio per l'elezione del presidente del nuovo Comites di New York, New Jersey e Connecticut. Il pareggio, che alcuni consiglieri davano per scontato ancor prima che iniziassero le manovre del voto, non ha consentito al presidente uscente di New York-Connecticut Quintino Cianfaglione...

by Daniel J. Kov Columbus Day was all about celebrating the contributions of Italian-Americans to Vineland in the annual ceremony on the steps of City Hall on Monday. "The Italian community has done so much for this city," Mayor Ruben Bermudez said at the start of the noon ceremony. "They are a critical part of our growth and development as a...

Sabato scorso, ad Atlantic City, New Jersey, "L'Italian American National Hall Of The Fame" consegna nelle mani del piccolo Nicodemo Coppola, la medaglia di "Eroe dell'anno per il papà Leonardo (36 anni), morto in un locale della Florida, nel gennaio del corrente anno, mentre cercava di proteggere la vita di una sua dipendente dall'ira del marito (...

Though the 600-pound statue of St. Ann is no longer borne on shoulders of barefoot women, the annual procession and feast honoring the Catholic Church's mother of the Virgin Mary still brings Hoboken natives back home from far and wide.   "Every year," said Mary Morin of Paramus, a member of the Hoboken High School Class of '71. "Whenever we...

Si sono spente le luci della festa per la celebrazione del anniversario della fondazione di America Oggi e tutto il personale: giornalisti, poligrafici e amministrativi sono attivati per continuare l'impegno nell'informare la collettività italiana che vive negli Stati Uniti per i lustri a venire. Le prime copie di America Oggi, come ha ricor...

by Mike Davis   John Scarpati has made monuments and memorials since he was a child. When his older brother, Michael, was killed during Wold War II, Scarpati collected the Western Union telegram that informed his mother of her son's death.   He took the letters Michael had written to her from the frontlines and put them in a glas...

The Verona chapter of UNICO National invites residents to attend its "re-discover Your Italian Heritage" event on Sunday, March 23 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Verona Community Center, 880 Bloomfield Avenue.   Celebrate the culture, traditions and history of Italian Americans in a fun and festive atmosphere that will include food tastings, demos,...