Artemest, e-commerce Italiano attiva nei prodotti handmade di lusso, ha ricevuto un investimento di 4milioni di euro in aumento di capitale da rilevanti investitori internazionali, guidati da Nuo Capital, holding di investimento della famiglia di Hong Kong PAO – Cheng, Italian Angels for Growth (già investitori al precedente round) e la Holding Svi...

A New York, è “l’avvocatessa che salva gli italiani dai guai”. Avete presente, come nei film, il forestiero dietro le sbarre al commissariato di polizia che chiama il legale capace di far valere i suoi diritti in un Paese che non conosce? Ecco, è un po’ così. Ma Germana Giordano, avvocatessa penalista di 45 anni, dal 1998 a New York, non è una semp...

Milan and Turin are combining to bid for the 2026 Winter Olympics. The Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) sent a letter of intent to the International Olympic Committee on Thursday, stating its plans. While there is usually one host city, the IOC’s new bidding process allows for the Games to be spread over bigger areas, although the competition can o...

Kairos Italy Theater and KIT Italia announce The Winner of the 2018 Mario Fratti Award for Excellence in Italian Playwriting goes to The City Rises (La citta' che sale) by Chiara Boscaro & Marco Di Stefano. The co-winners will receive a translation of their work into English as part of the MFA Collection and a reading at the Italian Institute that...

Milan, the second biggest city in Italy, is considered by many to be “Europe’s door to the Mediterranean,” and internationally it is one of the best-known metropolises. Famous for style, fashion, culture and finance, every year the city attracts countless visitors interested in its runways and design showrooms.  But Milan also has another important...

With its glamour, energy, innovation and style, the 2018 Milan Fashion Week ended on February 26th, leaving its audience with curiosity and excitement for what Fall and Winter fashion will bring. Every year Milan welcomes more than 170 fashion shows during this important week, gathering passionate professionals and spectators to see the Made in Ita...

Confession: I love Rome, but I'm not in love with Rome. My relationship with the Italian capital over the years has passed from infatuation to amore to a sort of admiring appreciation—I mean, Eternal City is a tough tagline to beat—but the simple truth is that the city lacks verve. For creative punch you have to hit Milan, while for the slower, mor...

A thirty-year period of Italian fashion is going on display at Milan's Palazzo Reale in the exhibition titled "Italiana: Italy Seen Through Fashion 1971-2001". During this particular period, Italian fashion had a creative peak and Italian style made a huge impact worldwide. The exhibition highlights the birth of ready-to-wear fashion, which coincid...

Gli Stati Uniti investono in tecnologia con iniziative strategiche come il piano Manufacturing USA, volte a riportare il paese in una posizione di leadership nel comparto manifatturiero; si aprono quindi nuove opportunità per le imprese fornitrici di macchinari e attrezzature ad alto contenuto d'innovazione. Obiettivo dell’Agenzia Ice è quello di m...

If you were ever in doubt about the importance of Italy in shaping fashion today, a new exhibition - which opens in Milan this week - puts it into perspective. ITALIANA, Italy Through the Lens of Fashion 1971-2001, raises the curtain of Milan Fashion Week and celebrates the influence of Italian design, creativity and manufacturing prowess. Jointly...