Fabio Viviani admits that he didn’t enter the culinary world at age 11 in his native Florence, Italy, because he was especially passionate about cooking. “I just found a job in a bakery, baking pies, making bread. I took it to make a little money for myself and to help the family,” he says. “If I would have found a plumbing job, I would have been a...

Pirelli has been named the “Tire Manufacturer of the Year” by an international panel of 30 industry experts and university lectures at the Tire Technology International Awards for Innovation and Excellence 2018. According to the company, Pirelli achieved this recognition through not only its high-value product strategy focus but also the company’s...

Rouses Markets is partnering with the Italian Trade Agency to add Italian imports to Rouses stores throughout the Gulf Coast, including cheese, cured meats, preserves and wine. “This partnership expands exponentially the Italian imports we have on our shelves for our customers,” said Donny Rouse, CEO of the Thibodaux, La.-based grocery chain. “We’v...

Cibus 2018, la fiera delle novità. Saranno più di mille i prodotti nuovi proposti da circa tremila aziende espositrici agli ottantamila operatori attesi. E i prodotti più innovativi saranno presentati in un’area dedicata, allestita all’interno di un nuovo padiglione. Gli operatori potranno degustare le novità anche grazie al moltiplicarsi di show c...

JamesSuckling.com presents the Great Wines of Italy US tour, beginning on Tuesday, March 6 at the IAC Building in New York City, featuring Italy's most sought-after wines from prestigious and renowned Italian brands as well as chosen premium boutique wineries. World-renowned wine critic James Suckling has selected more than 120 wineries to present...

What sounds like the title of an antique print from the Renaissance becomes a reality in Los Angeles. In the setting of the unique and charming Beverly Hills Hotel one of the most antique arts of Sicily, interpreted by Di Pasquale Guthmann in a contemporary joyful style, will be presented on March 20-21 from 3-8 pm.  Each piece is unique and handcr...

La Camera di Commercio di Verona ha ospitato l'unica tappa nel Nordest di "Select Usa", iniziativa del Governo federale americano che promuove gli Stati Uniti come destinazione primaria degli investimenti e supporta le aziende già presenti e quelle che desiderano espandersi a livello commerciale o produttivo. La tappa precedente si è svolta a Torin...

Anita Manfredonia, founder of women’s boutique Pippy&Lily, got her first look into the life of a small business owner at her family’s Italian deli on Long Island. A child at the time, she helped out her grandparents, who emigrated from Italy, and mother with some of the day-to-day operations. “I guess it was just in my blood,” she said. Originally...

All retailers here in California and in the West Coast have a great passion for Italian food. The small and independent ones in particular play a key role, educating customers and communicating with them. Italian food is probably the premium category in every store. That is what Richard Armanino, General manager of ItalFoods, says in the following...

In the early days of the automobile, customers didn't buy a vehicle like they do today, as a single finished product. Instead, one would purchase a chassis and power train from the likes of Rolls-Royce, Duesenberg, or Mercedes-Benz, and then hire a coachbuilder to tailor the body and bespoke interior to exacting needs. For grease-mottled aficionado...