Everyone loves wine, especially Italian wine. Our fantastic scenario has an essential element in wine, being the highest expression of excellent agriculture and the ambassador of Italian culture and know-how in the world. To discover and learn about a landscape that includes – next to famous names such as Barolo, Brunello di Montalcino, and Valpoli...

An important international recognition for environmental sustainability has been given to the Grana Padano PDO protection Consortium by WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization. On the occasion of the 2020 edition of the World Intellectual Property Day on the theme ‘Innovating for a green future’, among 21 major initiatives worldwide the...

Confindustria Ceramica (the Italian Association of Ceramics) and the Italian Trade Agency are proud to announce the winners of the 2020 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition.  After reviewing a record number of outstanding projects from all across North America, the international jury of design experts selected four winners and three honorable mention...

oBrn during the Italian Futurist movement of the 1930s, Buccellati’s Hawaii design has survived almost a century of change to become a house classic. As well as being a master goldsmith, founder Mario Buccellati, who established his business in 1919, at the Largo Santa Margherita in Milan, was an elegant draughtsman with a graphic eye, a deft touch...

Una moneta da 5 euro per celebrare la pizza napoletana, uno dei tesori indiscussi della cultura gastronomica partenopea. Il particolare “dono” arriva dalla Zecca dello Stato, che ha fatto realizzare la moneta all’artista incisore Maria Carmela Colaneri, ed emessa poi il 21 aprile. La moneta della pizza napoletana – dove fa la sua comparsa anche la...

When we think drinks in Italy, the first image that comes to mind is likely a bottle of red flowing into glasses around the table—vino is certainly the drink of choice come dinnertime. But let’s not forget about those magical hours before dinner: aperitivo. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., bars serve cocktails and light nibbles of olives, cheese, and potato...

Tuscan cuisine is loved and  appreciated all over the world. Cooking and baking in Tuscany is still a huge part of everyday life, I’m pleased to report. Having lived in a block of 12 apartments, I know that food, preparation and cooking continues to be a priority, in particular with the older generation. I’ve seen women return early in the morning...

Of all the things Italy does better than anyone else (and there are a lot), Italian cooking has to be the best of the best. Lunches and dinners in Italy can last a couple of hours at a time, with people sitting in every available chair, ordering with gusto and talking between every bite. We understand the desire to linger: Tangles of pasta + salty...

Il settore vitivinicolo è un pilastro del made in Italy e del nostro sistema agro-alimentare. L’Italia è il primo produttore mondiale di vino in quantità, il secondo esportatore di vini e spumanti in valore (dopo la Francia), il primo esportatore di vermut, liquori e cordiali, aceti di uve e succedanei. Nel 2019 la voce Istat “vini di uve”, compren...

Once humans discovered how to cook using a stone, the step to pizza was a short one. Yes, the origins of this food, which has become the trademark of Italian cuisine (Neapolitan in particular), goes all the way back to prehistory, with some believing it all began during the Neolithic Period. Did pizza originate in the East? In the Near East, when a...