One of the best aspects of living in Italy for over a decade as a travel writer has been discovering towns I didn’t have on my radar before moving here. From Tuscany to Calabria, the Dolomites to Basilicata, this country is crammed with villages full of art, food, and natural beauty—places that many travelers miss out on while focusing on the tried...

Apricale is unique. Picturesquely arranged around the small square, it has a stepped appearance, with the old stone buildings rising on several levels: thus it happens that the entrance is at the top floor, and you need to go down the stairs to get to the rest of the house.

More than 1,200 Fiat 500s from across Europe revved into the Italian foothills on Saturday to mark the 60th birthday of the iconic little car. The Italian classic took its first spin on July 4, 1957. Eighteen years later, more than 4.2 million had rolled off the factory line. Production then took a 22-year break before the model was relaunched in...

Roughly 120 years before Google launched its Google Street View Technology in several cities of the USA, a major earthquake struck the region of Liguria in northwest Italy. On Feb. 23, 1887, at 6:21 a.m. most buildings in the small village of Bussana Vecchia were severely damaged. The old village was abandoned and all of its buildings declared dang...

If there is one reason why Italian Americans are especially proud of their ethnic roots, it is because Italy happened to be the birthplace of the first explorers and navigators who “discovered” – or better, “re-discovered” – America at the end of the 15th century. As we all know,  it all began in 1492 with Christopher Columbus’ groundbreaking first...

Find some unusual places to visit in Italy for the summer vacation can be the perfect solution to avoid the mass tourism that characterizes the famous locations of the peninsula. Cities like Rome, Florence or Venice are beautiful, but it’s often very difficult to visit them properly. Fortunately, Italy has a lot of amazing spots outside the common...

The teenagers panted heavily as they climbed up the steep slope in the early morning, the Mediterranean sun glittering on the sea far below. Along the way, they stopped to survey the stone walls bordering the winding roads, carefully taking measurements. “When you rebuild a wall, you dig among the rubble until you find the original corner stones, a...

Giacomo and I are lost. We are winding through the dark old alleys (called caruggi) of Genoa’s Centro Storico, many only a wingspan wide and forgivingly cool in the summer heat. I’m hungry, having just arrived from New York, as is Giacomo, an Italian winemaker friend who drove from Milan to meet me for dinner. In each shady stone artery a glass win...

Il gelato più buono d’Italia si mangia in Liguria – un sorbetto al limone e basilico – ma per la seconda edizione della rassegna nazionale che premia i “Gelati d’Italia” sale sul podio anche la Basilicata, con il gelato al gusto di Pistacchio rigorosamente stiglianese. Dal 4 Maggio infatti la città d’arte Orvieto ha ospitato l’originale rassegna al...

Take a trip to Italy to discover the fascinating community of Cinque Terre. The town unites five distinct Italian villages that are full of character. Cinque Terre made up of five separate villages. You can arrive at this town from the nearest airport in 90 minutes. Monterosso offers the most hotel choices of all five villages. Vernazza is best for...