Panerai, a brand with deep-rooted history dating back to the 1800’s, has been a consistent front-runner in the luxury watch industry, combining its Italian heritage with Swiss technology and nautical-inspired design elements. With a loyal following who’ve even gone so far as to coin a term to identify themselves – Paneristi – the brand has become p...

On a narrow cobbled thoroughfare in this small Tuscan city, one shop’s windows glimmer with jewelry created over centuries. Gioielleria Carli, founded in 1655, promotes itself as Italy’s oldest jewelry store. Hanging from its rib-vaulted ceilings, hand-painted in plaids and fleur-de-lis, crystal chandeliers illuminate a museum-worthy exhibition of...

The bagpipes are an ancient instrument, dating back thousands of years; they're even mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 4:21). Here in America we normally associate the bagpipes with the Irish and Scottish, who have a long and storied tradition with this wonderful instrument. However, many Americans, even those of Italian ancestry, are unaware that It...

L’espressione artistica ha mille sfaccettature e la si può trovare ovunque, in un  parco, in un disegno, in un ritaglio o nell’ allestimento di un locale. Marco Gallotta, classe ‘73 di origini salernitane, che vive a New York dal 1990, ha trovato la sua in una tecnica antica e allo stesso tempo completamente nuova perché lui reinventata: l’arte di...

For the first time, visitors will be able to enter a hidden cell in the Medici Chapels where Michelangelo is thought to have covered the walls with sketches. Until some 40 years ago, no one realized that it existed. And when curators discovered a secret room beneath the Medici Chapels in the Basilico di San Lorenzo in Florence, its walls covered in...

Writing for a living is at once a curse and a blessing: a curse because, believe me, writer’s block is real and hits when you least expect it. A blessing because nothing can really beat sitting down with your thoughts, day in day out, writing them down on a piece of paper - if you like doing stuff the old fashioned way like me, that is - and mould...

Matteo Perin is an Italian designer who creates custom-made, luxury clothing for international celebrities and business leaders. He has growing ties with Birmingham, including Shaia's of Homewood Inc. How did you first become involved in Birmingham? I met Ken Shaia – of Shaia’s Homewood – while I was in New York City. He told me all about his store...

The name Alpini in Italian means literally “alpines, people from the Alps”. This unusual name belongs to an elite mountain warfare military corps of the Italian army. The soldiers for this corps are recruited mostly from remote Alpine villages, so the major part of Alpini actually do “come from the Alps”. Unlike other Italian corps, the “soldiers f...

Want to pitch in to develop a chic spot in Italy? Amberlair, a boutique hotel brand, is now crowdfunding for the Amberlair Puglia — a historic villa in the area that the team aims to renovate and debut as a 60-room resort in 2020. So far the company’s raised $13,250 of its $17,400 goal for the first wave of funding, which will go to architectural p...

As a veteran architect, he appreciates the landscape of Columbus that especially includes favorite Eero Saarinen. As a seasoned artist, he loves the local colors of globally recognized textile specialists such as Alexander Girard. “So I feel very much at home,” Guglielmo Botter said. That’s even though he has been more than 7,500 miles from his res...