Fazoli's, America's largest fast casual Italian chain, today announced it experienced a record-breaking month in July with the signing of nine multi-unit and single-unit franchise agreements to develop 22 new restaurants nationwide. As part of the agreements, Fazoli's will develop new restaurants in cities, including Dothan, Alabama; Snellville, Ge...

Lately, Detroit has been several times in the news that describe the relations between Italy and the United States. The merger between Fiat and Chrysler, the default of the city, the feared risk of closure of the Italian Consulate have often brought in the foreground the city that once was the richest in America, while today lives a difficult momen...

By Casey Logan    In 1910, Antonio and Nunziata Pirruccello emigrated from Sicily. They arrived in Omaha's emergent Little Italy neighborhood, where they started a few businesses, owned a number of properties and raised nine children of various talents. More than a century later, the offspring of those children, and the one surviving s...

Bonfiglioli, USA, announced earlier this week that it will expanding its Hebron, KY operations in Q4 2014. The company, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A. based in Bologna, Italy, manufactures power transmission for mobile and self-propelled machines.   The expansion will include the progressive addition of n...

I Cardinals di Louisville hanno vinto il titolo NCAA n.75 battendo Michigan 82-76 nell'immenso Giorgia Dome di Atlanta con una folla record di 74 mila spettatori. Il basket è uno sport che va di fretta, e molte cose inaspettate sono successe in questi giorni al coach dei vincitori, Rick Pitino, newyorkese di 60 anni, sempre azzimato ed elegante co...

Lexington has a new Italian restaurant that may have a familiar name to some people. Edwardo Portillo and his parents, Marta and Jose Portillo, have opened Palermo's Italian Cuisine in the Lexington Parkway Plaza shopping center in the former Mi Pueblo location.   He said they have previously owned two different Palermo's locations, one...

Il Consolato d'Italia a Detroit ha diffuso ieri una nota con cui comunica che il corrispondente consolare a Louisville (Kentucky), dottore Marco Capuano, ha rinunciato all'incarico, conferitogli nell'ottobre 2011 dal Console pro tempore, Marco Nobili.

With authentic Italian food and live Italian music, Italianfest brings an air of Italy to the Tristate. The celebration kicks off with a bocce ball tournament at Pompilio's Restaurant (600 Washington Ave., Newport, pompiliosrestaurant.com) at 4 p.m.   On Wednesday. The four-day fest includes games, kids' rides, a cooking and pizza-eating con...

Molly Ward likes to build things.She took a pizza box, duct tape and a stick and made a brake for a wagon.The 11-year-old from Bowling Green who is home-schooled said the brake didn't work at first. "The stick kept falling off," she said.After several attempts, Molly was able to make her brake work. She knows inventing things is a system of trial a...

On a day when the rain and clouds disappeared by late afternoon, Pompilios Restaurant hosted more than 15 elected or appointed officials in shirt sleeves or ties on two soil courts for bocce ball. About 30 spectators drank in the action.   For Ken Rankle, mayor of Dayton, Ky., the annual bocce ball game at Pompilios is the only time he plays...