Audio: October 14 2022 Roma, Italy

Audio: July 27 2022 Roma, Italy

On September 25, 2022, snap elections in Italy yielded two unprecedented results, as Giorgia Meloni is set to become Italy’s first female Prime Minister, and her “Fratelli d’Italia” (Brothers of Italy) Party, which took the highest percentage of votes, will sit at the heart of Italy’s most right-wing government since the end of World War II. This w...

The Italian elections also renewed the delegation that will represent the Italian community living in the United States in the next legislature. For the Italian Senate of the Republic, the winner is Francesca La Marca, a former deputy in the previous two legislatures, candidate for the Partito Democratico. For the Italian House of Deputies the winn...

In 2019, Giorgia Meloni made a speech that came to define her: "I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am a Christian, and you can't take that away from me," she told cheering supporters. Fast forward three years, and the nationalist leader is also poised to become Italy's first female prime minister. Provisional results from Su...

With the lists filed, the campaign for the upcoming September 25 elections has officially started. We the Italians has decided not to participate in the election campaign: we will not make any endorsements, nor will we publish the candidates' programs. The experience of the 2018 elections taught us that it is impossible to chase everyone, and we do...

Well Podcast fans, its time once again to turn our eyes to our beloved Motherland for the continuing drama that is Italian politics, as our cousins across the Atlantic are gearing up for the latest constitutional referendum facing voters in the Italian Republic –including those living abroad like the many Italian American dual citizens here in the...

Cari Connazionali, questa settimana, voglio condividere con voi alcune importanti novità sul piano parlamentare. La prima riguarda l'inizio dell'iter della mia proposta di Legge sull'istituzione di una Commissione Bicamerale per le questioni degli italiani all'estero e la seconda, la mia Mozione sulla salvaguardia dell'eredità culturale di Cristofo...

Gli elettori italiani che per motivi di lavoro, studio o cure mediche si trovino temporaneamente all’estero, per un periodo di almeno tre mesi, nel quale ricade la data di svolgimento del referendum popolare confermativo (29 marzo 2020) della legge costituzionale in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari, nonché i familiari con loro convi...

L’Ufficio centrale per il referendum della Corte di Cassazione, con ordinanza depositata in data 23 gennaio 2020, ha dichiarato che la richiesta di referendum sul testo di legge costituzionale recante “modifica degli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari”, è conforme all’art. 138 Cost. ed ha acc...