VOTO PER CORRISPONDENZA DEI CITTADINI ITALIANI RESIDENTI ALL’ESTERO. MODALITA' DI ESERCIZIO DEL DIRITTO DI OPZIONE PER IL VOTO IN ITALIA. Con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 17 luglio 2020, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 18 luglio 2020, è stata fissata al 20-21 settembre 2020 la data del referendum confermativo popolare, origin...

The Ambassador of Italy Armando Varricchio participated today in a discussion organized by the Atlantic Council on post-Covid-19 scenarios. In addition to the coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, the Ambassadors of the ten leading democracies in the world (so-called D-10 *) joined the discussion. For the fir...

Here at We the Italians we’ve been thinking that science and research are two fundamental and very delicate aspects of our lives way before the covid-19 virus hit the whole world: here at We the Italians we believe that science and research are extremely serious and complicated things, that require studies, talent and sweat, and we are therefore gr...

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington, la rete diplomatico-consolare e quella degli Istituti Italiani di Cultura e degli Uffici ICE negli Stati Uniti si sono adattate rapidamente al mutato scenario creato dalla pandemia Covid-19. Facendo leva su buone prassi già stabilite e su processi di innovazione opportunamente avviati negli anni recenti, si è imp...

Today, the Italian Embassy in Washington organised a second virtual meeting with the main Italian companies’ top management for investment and turnover operating in the US. The meeting, chaired by Ambassador Varricchio and organised by the Economic-Commercial Bureau of the Embassy with the participation of the coordinator at ICE Bureaus in the US a...

On the occasion of Pride Month - Capital Pride (4-15 June 2020), the Embassy of Italy, together with those of Argentina, Canada, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, with the participation of the State Department and the Digital Diplomacy Coalition (DDC) group, l...

Alitalia has announced it will resume direct flights from Boston to Rome (FCO) as of July 16, 2020. See the press release. The Embassy reminds that Italians wishing to return to Italy will have to comply with the provisions adopted by the Italian authorities for the containment of the contagion. For more information and to download the self-declara...

The Ambassador of Italy Armando Varricchio discussed with Kimberly Reed, Chairman of the EX-IM Bank proposals for operational collaboration in support of the Italian companies. The call is a direct follow-up to the actions envisaged by President Trump's April 10 Memorandum for assistance to Italy, specifically tailored for support to the economic s...

The Embassy of Italy in Washington organized an exceptional virtual meeting with institutions representing Italy’s  “Sistema Italia”  in the United States on a day as symbolic as June 2 to reflect on the developments of recent months, and to discuss plans for the future together. The Embassy, Consulates, Italian Trade & Investment Agencies (ICE), I...

La campagna di raccolta fondi #Italystaystrong lanciata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington e da Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF, e sostenuta da un’intensa azione di promozione della rete diplomatico-consolare negli USA, supera la soglia del mezzo milione di dollari. Oltre 600 donazioni – da stu...