Quattrocentoventicinque mila dollari raccolti (+40% rispetto al 2013); trecentocinquanta ospiti, inclusi i Sindaci di Boston e Roma; oltre settanta sponsor.   Questi i numeri di "italianissimo! 2014", annuale gala di beneficenza - giunto alla sua terza edizione - organizzato da FICCB e dal Consolato Generale d'Italia a Boston a favore della...

Four stunning paintings by Caravaggio, currently on loan at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, were the backdrop to the fourth annual Achievement Awards handed out by Italian Consul General Giuseppe Pastorelli. This year's awardees included Ron Della Chiesa (Art, Culture & Entertainment), Vlado Dukcevich (Business), Tino D'Agostino (Education), J...

Cari tutti, dear friends,Italianissimo 2015 takes place "sotto le stelle" in the enchanting Washburn Pavilion of Boston's Museum of Science on Friday, September 25th. With a unique view of the Charles River, bordered by the skylines of Boston and Cambridge, guests will enjoy an experience reminiscent of an evening in Trastevere punctuated by evocat...

We welcome author Sarah Fioroni and the Consul General of Italy Mr. Giuseppe Pastorelli for an evening of wonderful food, Ms. Fioroni's Tuscan wines and Italian music. Copies of the author's book will be available for her to sign.In A Family Farm in Tuscany, Sarah Fioroni, chef, cooking instructor, sommelier, and manager of her family's organic far...

Boston was awash in green, white and red on May 31, when the third italianissimo! gala organized by the Friends of the Italian Cultural Center was held. Set in the Burnham Building downtown, the event attracted hundreds of members of the community and beyond in a sign of support for establishing a new Italian cultural center in the city. "It is a...

Running until November 11 at the Harvard Film Archive, Carpenter Center | 24 Quincy St., Cambridge The Mysteries of Michelangelo Antonioni Upon his centennial celebration, the Harvard Film Archive will present - in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy, Boston, and with the cooperation of Cinecittà Luce and the Cineteca Nazionale - an...

Festa della Repubblica oltreoceano per le Famiglie dell'Amarone d'Arte protagoniste a Washington e Boston di due eventi organizzati in occasione dell'anno della cultura italiana. Il vino principe della Valpolicella sarà l'ospite d'onore il 4 giugno della cena ufficiale intitolata alla ricorrenza organizzata all'Ambasciata italiana di Washington con...

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, in partnership with COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) of Boston, has developed Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston. Boston's Italian community dates back to 1860, when the first imm...

Dear Friends of Italy, October is the ITALIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH; Let's celebrate the kick off together on October 1st at the Massachusetts State House at 10:30am.   Out of a rich calendar, I would like to bring to your attention three events in particular. On October 4th there will be the International Conference on "GALILEO AND SUNSP...

"Considerazione Visti per gli Italiani all'Estero": questo il tema del terzo seminario organizzato a Boston dall'associazione dei Professionisti Italiani a Boston (Pib) e Consolato Generale.   Terzo della serie di seminari utili programmati per quest'anno, il seminario si terrà il 13 aprile dalle 19 in Consolato. Meredith Stewart, partner di...