"The Macchiaioli" is curated by Marco Bertoli. The exhibition is part of a wider plan seeking to highlight the Italian artistic heritage, and make Italian 19th Century painting known to the American public - especially such a groundbreaking movement so vital for the development of modern art.   It presents about twenty paintings, all from im...

di Beatrice Bondi   Cortina approda a New York e incontra il pubblico americano, per presentare le sue bellezze naturali, già patrimonio UNESCO, che unite a un immenso capitale di cultura, moda, musica e spettacolo, hanno contribuito ad eleggere e confermare Cortina "regina delle Dolomiti". L'evento, nato dalla collaborazione tra Cortina Tu...

C'è tempo fino al 10 febbraio 2014 per presentare domanda di conferimento di incarico a Direttore di Istituto Italiano di Cultura per le sedi di New York e Tunisi. Le manifestazioni di interesse (corredate di curriculum vitae, in formato europeo) sono da inoltrate alla Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese del Ministero degli...

Luca Santaniello, New York based drummer since 2001, is presenting a new project on the fusion between Neapolitan traditional music and American Jazz. The most famous songs from the Neapolitan folk tradition such as Maruzzella, A rumba re' Scugnizz, and Scalinatella longa longa, are given a jazz flavor through Luca's deep knowledge of the Be Bop ja...

For 14 years, Open Roads has proudly offered to North American audiences the most diverse and extensive lineup of contemporary Italian film available. This year's program strikes a satisfying balance between emerging talents and esteemed veterans—as well as (at least) one master: Ermanno Olmi, among the nation's leading lights for over half a centu...

During 2013, the Year of Italian Culture in the USA, the Honors Center of Italian Universities (H2CU) presents a series of events - meetings and conferences - that will show the results of the ten years of the H2CU activity in the US while outlining the strategy for future collaborations.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Organized by : IIC NY Entrance : Free. Book now! Italian Cultural Institute of New York - 686 Park Avenue - New York, NY 10021 Presentation of the concept album Poetry Notes, with special guest Rick Moody.   Poetry Notes is a project that combines poetry and music. Nine Ame...

Il 20 dicembre scorso, presso palazzo Armieri, sede dell' Assessorato regionale alle Politiche Sociali e migratorie, è stato presentato il nuovo progetto di Asmef, l'associazione culturale che da anni studia la storia, le dinamiche e i personaggi dell'emigrazione italiana. Si tratta di un musical, incentrato sul tema che da anni promuove l'associaz...

Date: Monday, October 19, 2015 Hours: 10am to 8pm Venue: Italian Cultural Institute of New York Organized by: ICI In collaboration with: Scuola Italiana "Guglielmo Marconi" e IACE (Italian American Committeee on Education) Italian Student Day in collaboration with Scuola Italiana "Guglielmo Marconi" of New York and IACE (Italian American Commi...

Join us for an evening of music and to learn more about the Rome Chamber Music Festival, which was founded by Robert McDuffie in 2003. Since its inception, the festival has played to full houses of chamber music enthusiasts from around the world and has become one of Rome's most anticipated cultural events.   June 8 -12, 2014, at the Palazzo...