Nell'ambito del Piano per la promozione straordinaria del Made in Italy e misure per l’attrazione degli investimenti, ICE Agenzia organizza una fiera collettiva italiana alla Maker Faire di Bay Area, San Francisco, che si terrà dal 18 al 20 maggio presso il San Mateo Event Center. Si tratta dell'iniziativa a carattere internazionale più importante...

Italy boasted record levels of growth in 2017. Exports grew by 7.4 percent, valued at a total of about 450 billion euros. The leading exports were in technology-intensive sectors like the automotive industry, pharmaceuticals, and machines. This high growth, the highest since before the Eurozone financial crisis, comes a year after Michele Scannavin...

Every year, 800 Italian food companies are entering foreign markets for the first time. In 2017, Italian Food & Beverage exports increased by around 7% on 2016, with an expected turnover at the end of the year of about 32 billion euros. The most important destination of Italian food products are Europe and, increasingly, the United States. Accordin...

The ICE-Italian Trade Agency ( is the government organization which promotes the internationalization of the Italian companies, in line with the strategies of the Ministry for Economic Development and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. ITA provides information, support and advice to Italian and foreign...

ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, and Italian Trade Agency (ITA), are set to participate in Techtextil North America, the fifteenth edition of North America’s only dedicated show for technical textiles and nonwovens, to be held from May 22 to 24, 2018, at the Georgia World Congress Centre, Atlanta, in booth 2630/24...

È stata presentata oggi a Roma, in occasione della conferenza stampa della 52° edizione di VINITALY, “Italian Wine – Taste the Passion” la campagna di comunicazione realizzata dall’Agenzia ICE per promuovere il vino italiano sul mercato USA. La campagna – spiega l’Ice - ha l’obiettivo di “affermare un posizionamento esclusivo e aspirazionale dei vi...

Expectations continue to grow for the 33rd edition of the GALA ITALIA that will be held on March 26th in the Ballroom of one of the most prestigious hotels in Manhattan, under the patronage of the Italian Ambassador to Washington and with the participation of some of the most prestigious Italian winemakers. This edition of the GALA ITALIA, which wi...

Rouses Markets is partnering with the Italian Trade Agency to add Italian imports to Rouses stores throughout the Gulf Coast, including cheese, cured meats, preserves and wine. “This partnership expands exponentially the Italian imports we have on our shelves for our customers,” said Donny Rouse, CEO of the Thibodaux, La.-based grocery chain. “We’v...

Gli Stati Uniti investono in tecnologia con iniziative strategiche come il piano Manufacturing USA, volte a riportare il paese in una posizione di leadership nel comparto manifatturiero; si aprono quindi nuove opportunità per le imprese fornitrici di macchinari e attrezzature ad alto contenuto d'innovazione. Obiettivo dell’Agenzia Ice è quello di m...

The Extraordinary Italian Taste made its way to San Francisco kicking off a year that sees - once again - Italy as one of the leading countries in the food industry. The winter edition of the Fancy Food Show came back to the West Coast and became an opportunity for companies from almost all regions of Italy to both launch their new products and sho...