In the early 1900s, Hartford was a booming economic center. Italy, on the other hand, suffered both economically and socially. Hundreds of thousands of Italian men looked for unskilled work in other countries, with many eventually headed to the United States. Hartford's potential job opportunities attracted Italians and soon the city's number of im...

By Tim Panzarella   Immigration is hot in presidential politics. On the left, Bernie Sanders denounces open borders as a right-wing conspiracy to pay migrants low wages at the expense of American workers. On the right, Donald Trump advocates deporting all undocumented workers.   This debate is nothing new. It once resonated in Connect...

News 8's celebration of Italian in Connecticut continues today! Today our journey takes us to Hartford from women paving the way in leadership roles to pastries just like Nonna made. Hartford looks a lot different now than it did when many Italian immigrants came here. A hundred years ago, the Front Street neighborhood was mostly Italian. &nb...

Teresa Riccio, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford   On April 12, the Avon Chapter of the Italian American service organization, UNICO, hosted a dinner dance in support of Connecticut Children's Medical Center. The event, held at the Farmington Club on the Polo Grounds in Farmington, featured dinner, dancing, silent and live...

By Brian Spyros   The Front Street that exists in Hartford now is in stark contrast to what it was more than 100 years ago. "I'm a sentimentalist. I like the old style, the old times," said Paul Margolfo, who grew up in an Italian-American family not far from Front Street. He was one of many people who called the capital city home. &nb...

by Kent Pierce   The Italian American Stars on Franklin Avenue is just one of the Italian social clubs you'll find around Hartford. One of many. "Sure, we have about 80 clubs in the greater Hartford area," according to florist John Tornatore.   In any one of those clubs, you will hear the stories of how tough immigrants had it wh...

Attenzione sport enthusiasts!!! NIAF member Giovanni Camarchioli, editor of Bel Paese, a newspaper in South Florida, has launched the newspaper's new Italian sports news bulletins. The twice-a-day (morning and afternoon) broadcasts that began on June 1 are in Italian and accessible by phone.   Just call the local number in any of the followi...

Si sono ricongiunti ed abbracciati, simbolicamente, questa mattina, nella grande piazza di Canicattini Bagni, a distanza di quattro anni dalla visita della delegazione canicattinese in America, guidata allora dal sindaco Paolo Amenta, le due anime della città di Canicattini Bagni, quella incastonata tra gli Iblei, e quella rappresentata da generazi...

This year Columbus day celebrations are extremely special as four mayors from the province of Siracusa ( Canicattinini, Floridia, Solarino and Rosolini) will be visiting Hartford to take part in the celebrations. The Hartford Italian Clubs have joined forces to make this visit a very special one indeed and on 10-12 we will host a gala dinner at Aq...

by A. Talbot Despite all the hullabaloo surrounding Christmas, for many Italian Americans, one of the most exciting meals of the year happens the night before: the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve. No one entirely knows how the tradition started, but a few details are widely understood.   For starters, Christmas Eve is techni...