The BAMPFA dedicates a series of films to one of the most influential and prolific music score composers, Ennio Morricone (1928–2020). As a boy, Morricone considered becoming a doctor or competitive chess player, but he was encouraged by his father, a trumpet player, to study music. After graduating from the Conservatory of Music Santa Cecilia, Mor...

“Ennio” is a virtual love letter of a documentary from Italy’s Oscar-winning director Giuseppe Tornatore (“Cinema Paradiso”) to his distinguished, Oscar-winning compatriot, the prolific maestro of film scoring Ennio Morricone. “Ennio” opens at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline on March 29. With a prodigious 400 film scores Morricone, 91 when...

The amazing life and career of composer Ennio Morricone is explored in a new documentary, Ennio, which will be in theaters on February 9. Via Rolling Stone: The documentary, which was made by filmmaker and regular Morricone collaborator Giuseppe Tornatore (Cinema Paradiso) before the Maestro died in 2020, premiered at the 2021 Venice Film Festival...

Italian cinema is in the spotlight at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles where the screening series “Ennio Morricone: Essential Scores from a Movie Maestro,” programmed in partnership with Cinecittà, is currently playing to sold-out audiences. The Oct. 6-Nov. 25 event comprises 20 titles, including Sergio Leone’s “The Good the Bad and the Ugly” in a...

The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, designed by Renzo Piano, celebrated Italian Cinema in collaboration with Cinecittà. Italy has won more Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film than any other country, with 14 wins. The program, which ran from September 6 to October 4, focused on Italian Cinema/Nuovo Cinema Italiano of the last five...

Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 6:00 pm CT. IIC Chicago - 500 Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611. Entrance: Free. Italian Biopics: Ennio. Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. 2022, 150’, Italian with English subtitles. Registration here. A unique and touching documentary that tells the story of Ennio Morricone through a long interview by Giuseppe Tornatore...

Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm - Museum of Photographic Arts (1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101). Buy tickets here. In Italian with English subtitles. The documentary marks the 13th collaboration between Ennio Morricone, one of the most celebrated film composer of all times, and his long-time friend Giuseppe Tornatore, for whom he has scor...

His son Andrea recounts: "Once Upon a Time in America was supposed to be called Once Upon a Time: America but my father said the title was too 'cocky.'" It took almost 40 years and a beautiful documentary film for us to realize that, at least on that occasion, Sergio Leone was too humble. And perhaps it is no coincidence that the title of the film...

In 2015 I attended my first National Italian American Foundation Gala in Washington, DC. Somewhat intimidated by the size of the venue, the 2,000 hosts in tuxedos or evening gowns, and the importance of those in attendance, I discovered that at my table were CEOs and managers of the highest caliber, with their respective spouses.  My surprise was g...

Ennio Morricone was a composer with a diverse 66-year-long career. He created soundtracks for about 400 films, including the historical drama “The Mission,” the horror movie “The Thing” and the gangster film “Once Upon a Time in America.” Because of this, Morricone is considered to be one of the best and most prolific composers ever. His theme for...