I just finished reading "Little Italy of the BRONX: Arthur Avenue and Belmont" (New York City). Very informative! Described as "One Big Family", the Italian immigrant culture that developed here is said to be comparable to "a new Italian village", as Italians from all over Italy merged into one newly formed community.   The authors, Stephen...

Lunedì scorso si è riunito a Roma il gruppo di lavoro per il varo del Comitato organizzatore degli Stati Generali dell'associazionismo degli italiani all'estero.   Questo primo nucleo del Comitato, composto da Acli, Filef, Istituto Fernando Santi, Migrantes, Ucemi e Unaie inoltra oggi un invito a partecipare alle associazioni nazionali, regi...

di Stefano Luconi   Italian American Studies Association, Hofstra University, Hempstead (NY), 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2012 L'iscrizione della pietra tombale di Edward I. Koch, l'ex sindaco di New York recentemente scomparso, riporta la citazione delle ultime parole di Daniel Pearl, il giornalista del «Wall Street Journal» decapitato da terro...

January 10 (Saturday) 10:00 amThe Italian Genealogical Group meets the second Saturday of the month. This month is "Ask the Experts". Our genealogists will be answering your questions.All are welcome to this free lecture. Refreshments served. Bethpage Public Library47 Powell Avenue, Bethpage, NYAdmission: free; open to the publicContact: Maryanne...

The City of Hartford's Marketing, Events, & Cultural Affairs Division (MECA) in the Department of Development Services announces "To Remember & Understand" art exhibition dedicated to all the immigrants that traveled from Italy to Hartford and throughout Connecticut.   The exhibition designed to recount and share stories of the migra...

È emigrato a 20 anni negli Stati Uniti con tre dollari in tasca, poi ha messo in piedi un'azienda, produttrice di forni per la cottura a legna, che esporta in tutto il mondo. Renato Riccio,67 anni, pontremolese, trasferitosi a Dallas, non ha mai dimenticato le origini.   Da ragazzo sognava di diventare Paul McCartney perché suonava la chitar...

by Matt Conti   The West End Museum will host events celebrating Italian Heritage Month in October for the sixth consecutive year. Prior to the demolition of Boston's Old West End during the "urban renewal" of the 1950s, many Italian-American families called the neighborhood home. The Museum's month-long celebration honors this former little...

Doris Gallippi examines and writes their family history and at the same time imparts social history of first generation Americans who courageously forged a path from Italy to America from 1895 to 1922. This book chronicles "An Extraordinary Journey" (published by Xlibris) of emigrants and their treasured families.   This is the story of two...

Il Museo Regionale dell'Emigrazione Pietro Conti – Centro di Ricerca sull'Emigrazione Italiana con sede a Gualdo Tadino, presenta la quarta edizione del premio all'eccellenza "Un'Impresa ad arte. Gran Galà dell'Imprenditoria Italiana 2014", con la collaborazione del Sole 24Ore – Formazione ed Eventi ed il Patrocinio del Comune di Gualdo Tadino e de...

Genealogy undoubtedly is an important part of how a big number of Italian Americans relate to their Italian roots. As time goes by, the distance between today and the mass migration era between XIX and XX century grows bigger and bigger. This means that grandparents and parents are leaving this earth, the memories of those who are still with us bec...