Today we go west, to the Grand Canyon State: Arizona. The story of the Italians here starts with an important explorer, Father Eusebio Kino: we will learn about this incredible hero, another Italian explorer who helped many people, included a lot of Native Americans. Our guest, the person who will lead us through Italy in Arizona, is Massimo Paolil...

La comunità italiana nel mondo lo scorso anno ha raggiunto quota 5 milioni di persone, pari a più dell’8% della popolazione italiana, come a dire la quinta regione per estensione, dopo Lombardia, Lazio, Campania e Sicilia. Una regione “extraterritoriale” che negli ultimi 10 anni, stando ai dati ufficiali Aire e Istat, è lievitata di oltre il 55% pe...

Dante Alighieri Society is looking for 4 individuals to join a panel discussion on Sunday, June 4, 2017 on the subject of Italian immigration to the U.S. If you came from Italy within the last 10 years, or between 10 and 25 years ago, and have an interesting personal story to share with the audience, we want to hear from you. Those interested in sh...

Nicola “Nicholas” Casciano nacque a Popoli, in via delle grazie, il 15 aprile del 1885 da Gennaro e Concetta entrambi “contadini” (all’atto di registrazione fu presente l’allora Sindaco Ciro Mancini). Sin da piccolo conobbe il duro lavoro dei campi. Andò a scuola quel tanto che bastò per saper leggere e scrivere. Ma era di intelligenza vivace e sog...

“The moment of arrival was euphoric, and then silence fell upon them. They were afraid they wouldn’t be let in. The question on everyone’s mind was ‘Will we enter or not? Will they let us pass?’” This is the scene Maurizio Igor Meta told me he repeatedly came across in the many diaries he read, written by European immigrants coming to New York via...

THEN: Starting in 1884 and continuing through to 1924, an estimated 290,000 Italian immigrants -- a great deal of them from Sicily -- arrived in New Orleans, fleeing economic and political turmoil. In short order, their indelible influence would be felt on the city. With the French Quarter no longer a fashionable address, many of the city's more we...

Geremia Mancini, presidente dell’Associazione Culturale “Ambasciatori della fame” rende nota la storia di Nicola Rocco De Dominicis, un bambino partito da Vastogirardi e divenuto un grande medico negli Stati Uniti. Fu per gli italo-americani il “medico amico”. Questa la sua storia: “Nicola Rocco De Dominicis nacque in Molise a Vastogirardi  l’11 ma...

It’s a snowy Saturday afternoon in Rockford, Illinois. My grandfather, Ignazio, is all but pressing his ear against the Zenith radio to hear the Metropolitan Opera broadcast of La Boheme, starring Bidú Sayao and Ferruccio Tagliavini. He pleads with me to sit with him and listen to the music of his country, which he deeply misses. No doubt the opera...

When one thinks of frontier justice or violent lynchings in the United States, it conjures the specter of lawlessness in the old West or the anti-black intolerance of the Deep South. This is inevitable, not only because of the magnitude of such atrocities, but because of the attention brought to them by modern American society, which largely sprung...

Early last year, as anti-immigrant rhetoric intensified during the presidential campaign, William Massolia, the Griffin Theatre Company’s artistic director, thought of his own family’s past. All four of his grandparents came from Italy speaking very little English. Massolia started sleuthing. He dug up his paternal grandparents’ marriage certificat...