Artist Jim Dessicino's grandmother, whose parents had immigrated to the U.S. from the Adriatic Coast of Italy, had always told him she didn't speak Italian. So he was understandably confused when he moved into her old house in New Jersey in 2016 and found heaps of old family documents, including letters addressed to his grandmother written in Itali...

This article is a preview of a video documentary. View it online at Growing up, Bruno Giusti didn’t really think of himself as “American,” “Italian,” or “Italian-American.” However, he’s always identified strongly as a Coastsider. Giusti has deep roots here. His family farmed the land as early as the 1930s, a...

Tuesday, November 14 at 6:00pm - Calandra Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 17th Floor, New York. This symposium will discuss the notion of cultural heritage and its relevance to today's concept of Italian identity. Questions to be addressed include: How does one negotiate his/her knowledge of the past with today? How does a member of subsequent gene...

In this episode of The Italian American Podcast, I talk with actor Michael Badalucco, a passionate Italian-American and a really funny guy who has had some big success in his acting career and is also very involved in the Italian American community. In the stories segment, I will tell you a story about something that just happened to me that was a...

November 2-4, 2017 - Melville Library, Room E4340 - Stony Brook University. The Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University is hosting the U.S. component of a two-series international conference: "The Challenge of Migration in Europe and the United States: Comparing Policies and Models of Reception," with presentations by judges, prosecuto...

Mark your calendars for Wednesday November 1st at twelve noon for the return of the vastly enjoyable Dr. Salvatore Primeggia who will speak on Religion and Superstition in the lives of Italian Americans. Dr. Primeggia, who received his PhD from the New Schools for Social Research, holds the position of Professor of Sociology at Adelphi University....

The Italian American Museum cordially invites you to attend, "Migration", a lecture by Vincenzina Santoro on Thursday, November 2nd, 6:30 PM. Ms. Santoro is an economist and former Vice President of JP Morgan and Co. and is presenting this lecture in conjunction with current exhibit, "Passage" by Yorgos Giotsas. "Passage" is a conceptual multimedia...

The recent Cayuga Museum exhibit, Becoming American: The Italian Immigrant Experience in Cayuga County, was an exceptional example of a community working together to present a program that highlighted our unique journey of hope and success in America. Although the story was about Italian-Americans, it was a narrative about all immigrants who travel...

Scava nelle pieghe della memoria della prima Grande Emigrazione degli italiani nel continente americano The Shameful Story | La Storia Vergognosa film documentario di Nella Condorelli, attualmente in lavorazione. Erano in maggioranza siciliani, quelli che partivano, un'epopea passata alla storia come il più grande movimento di popoli nell'Europa de...

La grande fuga continua. Gli italiani se ne vanno dal Belpaese, anno dopo anno, con un aumento di oltre il 15% nel solo ultimo anno. Non era difficile intuirlo, ma ora la scontata conferma viene dal dettagliatissimo Rapporto 2017 sugli Italiani nel mondo che, ormai da dodici anni, la Fondazione Migrantes – organismo pastorale della CEI, la Conferen...