Last week, the Waltham High School Italian department, the Italian Consulate of Boston and Centro Attivita Scolastiche Italiane collaborated to host Italian Day at WHS. Students enjoyed pasta-making with master chef Federico Zampieri, a visit from a Lamborghini and a performance of Giuseppe Verdi’s “La Traviata.” “This was a great day and one the s...

What a GREAT night!!! Big Thanks to everyone who came to our presentation in Dallas, Texas! We had a fantastic time and we really enjoyed the post-screening discussions. It really was one of the most electrifying screenings we have had so far, thanks to the great energy of all the University of Dallas STUDENTS who came out to see Tiramisu For Two....

About 150 years ago, the Western world, in the midst of a major industrial revolution, began an experiment. It started gathering all children during weekdays into rooms where teachers told them what they should know: memorizing letter symbols to read and bits of knowledge to recite and repeat on tests. Learning was rewarded in various ways. Soon th...

Dear friends, You are cordially invited to the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Italian Cultural Society of Washington DC, at 4833 Rugby Avenue Suite 201, Bethesda MD 20814. Sunday, November 19th, at 4:00-6:00pm or Monday, November 20th, at 6:00-8:00pm. Join us for an Italian style Aperitivo, to celebrate our new space and learn about th...

Richmond University Medical Center today announced that its 11th Annual Gala will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2017 and will be co-chaired by Dr. Loren Harris and Dr. Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris and Mr. & Mrs. Brian and Deanna Gomez. The Gala will again salute members of the community who have made an indelible contribution to the medical center...

The university has many partnerships with international universities. One of the partnerships is with Università degli Studi di Verona, and it has been in effect for around 10 years.  Languages and Communication Department Head Dr. Lucia Harrison created the partnership in conjunction with Professor Francesco Fiumara. Harrison who is an alumna of t...

When: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 From 6:30 pm To 8:30 pm - Where: Intercultural Center Auditorium, Georgetown University, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057 - Organized by : Georgetown Italian Research Institute - Entrance : Free On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, the Georgetown University Italian Research...

St. Stephen's School is international non-denominational high school for boarding and day students that has built its academic program and reputation on the classical heritage of its host country, Italy, and the rigor of two prestigious educational models: the American, independent college-preparatory curriculum, and the International Baccalaureate...

Un progetto innovativo negli Stati Uniti per la promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana e della cultura italo-americana, una convenzione per l’avvio di progetti di diffusione della cultura e della lingua italiana nel Nord America. Venerdì 27 ottobre è stato siglato un nuovo protocollo di collaborazione tra Alessandro Masi, Segretario Gener...

Medford High School senior Sandra Figueroa was among four students in the Boston area to be honored recently by the Federazioni Associazioni Abruzzesi-USA. This organization, in the occasion of “October Italian Heritage Month” every year, selects students who distinguish themselves in the study of Italian, and awards them scholarships at their annu...