There are over 40 events scheduled from November 13th to 19th in the United States for the eighth edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an integrated promotion initiative by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled in 2023 “At the table with Italian cuisine: well-being with taste.” In the background, there is the candidacy of...

Dear friends, in September I had the pleasure of attending two events in the United States, both very interesting, which saw me together with a friend with whom we are forming a beautiful business partnership, Davide Ippolito. We were in Detroit, guests of the wonderful Italian Consul Allegra Baistrocchi, for the new edition of LoveItDetroit: a fan...

In the collective imagination that identifies the American market, New York, Los Angeles, and Miami loom large as icons—the golden gates that provide access to the economic Eldorado across the ocean. Yet we often overlook that other America that, away from the limelight, offers a less saturated market ripe with opportunities, especially in an era o...

September 9-10 2023 Detroit, MI, United States

Basil Russo, John Viola, and the IAFL team conducted a special seminar in Detroit last weekend at the request of Italian Consul Allegra Baistrocchi. Its purpose was to bring together future leaders of the Italian American community and offer them a platform to collectively express their pride in their heritage, to formulate plans as to how they can...

Italy has been a main protagonist on the opening day of the Detroit Auto Show 2023. “Italy is synonymous with automotive”, underlined the Italian consul in Detroit, Allegra Baistrocchi, who organized the Italian presence as part of the Mobility Global Forum, a two-day symposium attended by managers and experts in the sector to discuss changes in th...

On September 7 night, the Consulate of Italy, as part of its esteemed LoveITDetroit series of events, hosted a captivating evening dedicated to Italy's remarkable contributions to the global aerospace industry. Titled "Italy - The Eternal Innovator in Space," the event drew attendees from various sectors eager to explore Italy's rich history of aer...

After the success of the 2022 edition, the Consulate of Italy in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan are about to launch their presence at the Detroit Month of Design through the project called “LoveITDetroit”, that, in its second edition, won the grant "City of Italian Creativity in the World" established for the first time by the...

Dear friends, as you know we do not stop even in August, and this is the editorial for the hottest month of the year. We are working on some new things that will see the light of day soon, and I hope to be able to announce some of these new things as early as next month. On July 29 I had the honor and pleasure of attending the John Fante Festival,...

After the success of the 2022 edition, the Consulate of Italy in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan have decided to confirm their participation in the 2023 edition of the Detroit Month of Design, with the project called "LoveITDetroit", which won the first edition of the "City of Italian Creativity in the World" organized by the It...