by John Kleiner   On April 24th, Samantha Cristoforetti, Italy's first female astronaut, took time off from her regular duties in the International Space Station to read from the Divine Comedy. She picked the opening canto of the Paradiso, in which Dante describes his ascent through the circle of fire and his approach toward God: I was with...

The Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans will present its Dante and Mazzei award on May 29 at Galleria Marchetti, 825 W. Erie St., Chicago. Chicago Sun-Times editorial page editor R. Bruce Dold with its Dante award. The honor is bestowed each year on a member of the media who lives up to Dante Alighieri's call to be no timid friend to truth....

by Francesca Bezzone   To an Italian, Dante is croce e delizia, pleasure and pain: forcefully immersed in the study of his heavenly works during the rebellious years of adolescence, we usually begin our relationship with the Dantean world with the wrong foot. But then comes adulthood and, with it, this strange necessity to pick those ol...

Una vera e propria maratona dantesca - 7 ore di trasmissioni, 34 canti dell'Inferno, e migliaia di chilometri attraverso le bellezze paesaggistiche e architettoniche italiane.   Questo progetto offrirà a tutto il pubblico di RAI ITALIA una rilettura in chiave contemporanea dell'Inferno dantesco. Un programma non solo culturale, ma anche un v...

Con una celebrazione per il 750mo anniversario della nascita del Sommo poeta ha debuttato a Washington la Dante Alighieri Legacy Association presieduta da Melo Cicala. La cerimonia si è svolta al Meridian Hill Park, dove è stata deposta una corona di fiori ai piedi del monumento di Dante eretto nella capitale. L'imponente statua (104,4 pollic...

In 1532 Agnolo Bronzino was commissioned by the Florentine merchant and banker Bartolomeo Bettini to paint the portraits of three literary masters of the Italian Renaissance: Dante, Petrarch, and Boccacio.   The paintings of Petrarch and Boccacio sadly have been lost, but Bronzino's masterful Allegorical Portrait of Dante been well preserved...