Whether a man is praised or criticized, he is often given credit or blame for things he had little do with. The human character is such that it is attracted to superficial historical figures, with the nuances of their legacies replaced by blanket statements and broad assertions. In the internet age, this problem is epidemic.   Moral superior...

You don't have to be Italian to celebrate Columbus Day. Parades and festivals are being held from Westerly to Woonsocket, and everyone's invited. Providence's Federal Hill, the city's Italian stronghold, kicks off its annual Columbus Day Festival on Saturday, Oct. 11, at noon in DePasquale Square, with the popular Columbus Day parade stepping off...

Declaring Indigenous Peoples' Day on the same date as Columbus Day is an attempt to delete a part of U.S. history ["'Basta!' Italian Americans to fight Seattle's Columbus Day slight," Local News, Oct. 9].   European exploration of the Americas led to subjugation of New World natives and African slaves. It wasn't pretty. But it's also the rea...

Union County Freeholder Chairman Christopher Hudak today announced the County's sixth Annual Columbus Day Flag Raising event is set for Friday, Oct. 10, at 1:30 p.m,. on the steps of the historic Union County Courthouse.   The keynote speaker/guest of honor, Joe Long, played with the super group, Four Seasons, from 1965-1976, and is a native...

Hey, show a little respect for Christopher Columbus! Italian-American activists are outraged over a new plan to place an art installation around the statue of the explorer that stands in Manhattan's Columbus Circle. The planned installation, by Japanese artist Tatzu Nishi, is supposed to give New Yorkers a new perspective on Chris by enclosing hi...

Cross Bay Boulevard will once again play host to a Columbus Day parade next weekend for the first time in two years. The annual event, celebrating the neighborhood's Italian-American heritage and contributions made by Italian-Americans in society. The parade kicks off at noon on Sunday, Sept. 29 and will march along Cross Bay Boulevard....

It's almost Columbus Day but you would never know it in certain parts of the country. In many cities, and even whole states, Columbus Day has been replaced with "Native American Day", or "Discoverer Day" as has happened in Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon and South Dakota.   Other states are forced to authorize the holiday although they don't celebrat...

By Jeanita Lyman   When conjuring an image of Queen Isabella of Spain, one wouldn't necessarily picture her riding in an antique Cadillac through the streets of San Francisco. But that's just the image a Redwood City woman will be presenting this Sunday.   Lifelong civil servant Tami Del Bene, named San Mateo County's honorary Queen I...

The North End Columbus Day Celebration Committee is hosting an evening of celebration and commemoration on Friday, October 9 at the Living Room onAtlantic Avenue. The reception will feature music, prizes, refreshments and cocktails.   Advance tickets are $45.00 per person (50.00 at the door) and may be purchased by contacting the Theres...

Si avvicina ormai il tradizionale ed atteso appuntamento con la Columbus Day Parade, che, giunta alla sua 68.ma edizione, si terrà il prossimo lunedì 8 ottobre a New York. La parata, che sarà trasmessa in diretta televisiva dalla Abc, avrà inizio alle 11.30 e, partendo dalla 47th Street, si snoderà lungo la Fifth Avenue per giungere infine alle 15...