Today, on behalf of the President of the Italian Republic, the Ambassador of Italy to the United States Armando Varricchio bestowed on Gianandrea Noseda, Music Director of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, DC, the honor of the rank of Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. The award ceremony followed the opening night...

On September 13, 2018 the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC hosted an event on cooperation in the space field and on the new frontiers in terms of investments, innovation, and international collaboration. “Space Economics: challanges and opportunities, Investment, Innovation and International partnerships” was organized in collaboration with the It...

The Ambassador of Italy to the United States Armando Varricchio represented Italy at the Ministerial on Advancing Religious Freedom, hosted by the Department of State and chaired by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The Vice-President Mike Pence and the Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner also attended the conference, along with more than 8...

Nell’ambito della visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti, la presidente del Senato Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati ha partecipato ieri all'incontro organizzato a Villa Firenze dall'Ambasciatore italiano a Washington Armando Varricchio per l'apertura della mostra “Women to Watch” presso il National Museum of Women in the Arts. “È per me motivo di gra...

Ciao from Rome, welcome to the #104 magazine of We the Italians! While We the Italians is working for great news, which we hope to be able to announce soon, this month we have been part of three important events here in Italy.

155 Paesi, 294.000 partecipanti, 7.500 borse di studio. Sono i numeri impressionanti del programma Fulbright, il piano di scambi culturali che dal 1948 crea un ponte fra gli Stati Uniti e il resto del mondo. Settant’anni fa grazie alla visione di un senatore dell’Arkansas, William Fulbright, il dipartimento di Stato americano istituiva la commissio...

Questa mattina la Farnesina ospiterà l’evento di Celebrazione del Settantesimo Anniversario della Commissione Fulbright, nata per favorire gli scambi accademici tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti, offrendo borse di studio a cittadini italiani e statunitensi per opportunità di studio, ricerca e insegnamento presso campus americani e atenei italiani. Dop...

The Ambassador of Italy in the USA, Armando Varricchio, was received at the White House together with officials from the Embassy and International Financial Institutions to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the Republic. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and formerMayor of New York and current attorney of President Trump, Rudy Giuli...

Dear fellow Italians, dear Italian-American friends, as we celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the Republic we remember the choice of freedom made by Italian women and men on June 2, 1946. A choice that has allowed our country to join the path of democracy and progress in the transatlantic and European framework. This year is also t...

IN JULY, the Italian Navy tall ship Amerigo Vespucci — a three-mast, 331-foot school ship built in 1931 — left Italy and ventured on the long journey to the United States and Canada. A year later, the Italian Navy FREMM-class frigate Alpino, built by Fincantieri with state-of-the-art technologies, is engaged in a U.S. campaign tour and is moored in...