Salem's Stellato headed to National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame

Dec 07, 2023 1031

BY: Nick Giannino

No matter how successful he’s become or how much he’s accomplished in his professional career, Salem’s Sean Stellato has always stayed true to his roots. Whether he’s taking a trip down memory lane on his former high school playing surface — the one and only Bertram Field — or visiting his grandmother’s grave to continue to honor her legacy, the 45-year-old Stellato makes sure to remember where he came from and give thanks to all of those who paved the way before him.

Extremely proud of his Italian roots, Stellato’s heritage has played a big role in his life, career, and extraordinarily driven mentality. It’s his family’s passion and dedication that’s helped pave the way for his success, and any time he’s given the opportunity to speak on their behalf he’ll gladly do so with a gleaming smile on his face.

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