West Aliquippa's Henry Mancini to be celebrated with events for centenary of his birthday

Apr 16, 2024 1141

BY: Scott Tady

Music fans will celebrate the centenary of Henry Mancini's birthday this year at events worldwide. If Mancini had lived to see his 100th birthday this Tuesday, the immensely successful composer - and Pride of West Aliquippa - likely would have wanted to celebrate in his favorite way.

"He would want to go to the best Italian restaurant that he knew and have the family around, and his very, very close friends, eating and drinking wine," Monica Mancini, daughter of Mancini, said recently. So, let's all symbolically raise a glass to Henry, whose legacy is perpetually honored locally with the Henry Mancini Memorial Bridge. 

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SOURCE: https://www.timesonline.com

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