Italian Screens 2023

Nov 18, 2023 777

Italian cinema lands in Los Angeles thanks to Italian Screens with four screenings of four movies that were nominated for the David di Donatello 2023La Siccità (Dry) by Paolo Virzì, Settembre (September) by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt, Ti mangio il Cuore (Burning Hearts) by Pippo Mezzapesa, and La Stranezza (Strangeness) by Roberto Andò.

ITALIAN SCREENS – New Italian Cinema is an initiative by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), Cinecittà for the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture (DGCA-MiC), and the Academy of Italian Cinema – David di Donatello Awards. Italian Screens has been set up to promote the Italian Film Distribution Fund, development and production incentives, attractive tax credits and amazing locations.

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