Chef Stefano Secchi—a Southern Methodist University and Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park graduate, youngest chef ever invited to cook at The James Beard House, and current consulting chef for America Airlines—has talent that thrives beyond the kitchen.   Two plus years ago, he traveled to the Sardinia homeland of his father to make a...

"Cari Connazionali, desidero ringraziarvi per il sostegno che mi avete dato nella fase iniziale della mia missione quale Console Generale". Inizia così il messaggio che Elena Sgarbi indirizza ai connazionali dalle pagine del Bollettino del Comites di Houston, presieduto da Vincenzo Arcobelli.   "In questi primissimi mesi – ricorda Sgarbi – h...

Enel Green Power S.p.A. ("Enel Green Power"), attraverso la sua controllata Enel Green Power North America Inc. ("EGP-NA"), ha completato e allacciato alla rete il nuovo parco eolico di Osage, nell'omonima contea, in Oklahoma.   Il nuovo parco, detenuto da Osage Wind, LLC, al 50 per cento di proprietà di EGP-NA, con una capacità installata t...

By Littice Bacon-Blood   The potential for severe weather has canceled the Friday night (April 1) opening of the 16th annual Festa Italiana in Kenner. Instead, the Italian Heritage Festival will begin Saturday at noon in Rivertown, Kenner city officials announced Friday (April 1).    "Safety is priority No. 1, so the decision has...

Tiziana Ciacciofera Triolo è una palermitana doc trasferitasi oltreoceano tre anni fa portandosi dietro un ricco bagaglio di esperienza nel settore del management e delle pubbliche relazioni, anche se una delle sue più grandi passioni, è l'amore per la cultura e le tradizioni Italiane.   Oggi Tiziana vive a Houston, nel Texas dove dirige la...

Consul General Perrone is going to pay his first official visit to New Mexico on April 14-16, during which he will be received by the Governor of the State, Susana Martinez.   The Consul General will meet with Italian individuals and associations in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Taos in order to reinforce the Italian presence in the State and to...

Job descriptionPart time Hourly Position;Monday through Thursday (late afternoon to early evening), Some Saturday mornings;The Coordinator will report to the Director of Program Development.   Job applicant requirementsNear native Italian Language ProficencyExperience in Teaching a Second LanguageUniversity DegreeManagment Experience and Pas...

The 29th edition of SXSW drew to a close with the participation of over 50,000 delegates and 2000 showcasing acts hailing from 75 countries in attendance. For the 2015 edition, a 100-strong Italian delegation descended on the Texas capital for the first time showing off the best of "Made In Italy" at the world's leading music industry event.  ...

The restaurant group that Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman have built in their hometown of Memphis is as tight knit as they come. The two chefs have been friends since the sixth grade. They live a few blocks from one another. Their three restaurants all sit on the same block.   Now they've leapfrogged about 400 miles due south to New Orleans fo...

Not long after Little Italy was settled in central Arkansas, the community became a Prohibition-era oasis for winemakers and consumers. At Legacies & Lunch on Wednesday, May 4, from noon-1 p.m. in the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) Main Library's Darragh Center, 100 Rock St., Chris Dorer will discuss his book, Images of America: Little...

Just over two years after opening, D'Amico's Italian Market has closed its location on White Oak. According to a statement from owners Nash D'Amico and Brina D'Amico Donaldson, the decision to close had a lot to do with the reorientation of White Oak towards bars and nightlife. Local blog The Heights Life reported on Facebook that the main iss...

L'Associazione dei Siciliani in Texas - tra le prime ad aderire alla confederazione dei Siciliani in Nord America – ha organizzato domani, 8 agosto, dalle 18.30 alle 21.00 un incontro presso il Lombardo Custom Aparel (17604 North Dallas Parkway) per dare il benvenuto all'attore Italo-Americano originario di Menfi Chazz Palminteri, noto al pubblico...