D’Amico’s on White Oak closes, but more locations on the way

Jul 04, 2013 1464

Just over two years after opening, D'Amico's Italian Market has closed its location on White Oak. According to a statement from owners Nash D'Amico and Brina D'Amico Donaldson, the decision to close had a lot to do with the reorientation of White Oak towards bars and nightlife. Local blog The Heights Life reported on Facebook that the main issue was parking, which is a particular challenge during football season when sharing a lot with Christian's Tailgate.

Fans of D'Amico's famous oval pizza and other casual Italian specialties can still head to the original location in Rice Village, with more locations being scouted in areas including Sugar Land, Katy and The Woodlands.

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Source: http://blog.chron.com/

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