Federazioni Associazioni Abruzzesi-USA honors Medford High senior

Nov 07, 2017 1537

Medford High School senior Sandra Figueroa was among four students in the Boston area to be honored recently by the Federazioni Associazioni Abruzzesi-USA. This organization, in the occasion of “October Italian Heritage Month” every year, selects students who distinguish themselves in the study of Italian, and awards them scholarships at their annual gala celebration.

To qualify for the scholarship, Figueroa had to have a high average in her AP Italian class and submit an essay on Italy’s importance to her. In her essay, she talked about her love for the Italian language, its culture and its food. She talked about how it is important to know more than one language, and how she is proud to be trilingual.

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SOURCE: http://medford.wickedlocal.com/

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