By Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino Era il 1999 quando decisi di intraprendere la professione di docente e insegnante di italiano nelle scuole pubbliche di New York. Allora non conoscevo i requisiti per ottenere l'abilitazione dallo Stato, perciò dovetti iscrivermi a molte classi per sapere come e quando fare domanda per essere abilitata all'insegnament...

A linebacker for the Green Bay Packers understood exactly why we love the enduring, family-run Italian restaurant. The October 1974 issue of Esquire magazine included a feature on where N.F.L. players liked to eat, in which that linebacker, Jim Carter, gave this description of a Chicago favorite: "Food keeps coming, and they're insulted if you don'...

The Galbani Little Italy Festival, a celebration of the Little Italy Neighborhood in Gates, will be held Aug. 12-14 at Gates Memorial Park, 160 Spencerport Road, Rochester. The festival will feature live entertainment will be provided by La Muralla, Mambo Kings, Fever: The Wrath of Polyester, Joey and Maria's First Ever Comedy Wedding, Ignite! and...

"La competitività delle aziende italiane: innovazione, internazionalizzazione e finanza" è il titolo del dibattito che si terrà questa sera a New York alle 18 (ora locale) alla New York University nella Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò. A discuterne saranno il Vice Direttore Generale della Banca d'Italia Salvatore Rossi, il direttore generale di Linco...

The death of Giovanna Piccozzi's daughter changed her life in an instant. Her memoir, "Umbrian Twilight" (published by AuthorHouse), tells of her retreat to rural Italy. The gentle madness of everyday life and the brio her friends and neighbors share with her help her to heal. She shares just enough to make readers understand the value of the joy a...

A long-standing city tradition is coming back in full force this year. The Italian Festival will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Pine Avenue between Portage Avenue and 15th Street. It comes a year after a smaller version of the festival was held.   Carmine Bianco, who heads a men's bocce club in the city known as the Pax Romana Commi...

Carol Ann Benanti, Staten Island Advance columnist and features writer, was recognized as the Honoree of the Year Friday by the Italian Club of Staten Island Foundation at its annual dinner dance, held at the Staaten, West Brighton. A crowd of 180 supporters, friends and family members turned out to fete Mrs. Benanti and to help support the non-pr...

Aldo de Vero and Giuseppe Campisi met in 2006 and decided to form a piano duet. Since then, they have played an amazing number of concerts in Italy and Europe, though Aldo lives in Naples and Giuseppe lives in Avola, Sicily.   What makes their (very long distance!) rehearsal meetings fruitful and alive is the awakening of a deep-rooted love...

Exhibition opening: Thursday, September 18, 2014, 6pm On view: September 19, 2014-January 9, 2015Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Roundtable discussion: Monday, November 3, 2014, 6pm Italian Americans, mostly from Sicily, make up about a quarter of the population of Gloucester, Massachusetts--the oldest fishing port in the United States. Ma...

Chelsea's Agora Gallery will feature the original work of Pagnacco artist Giorgio Linda in Divergent Realities. The exhibition opens on October 10, 2014 and continues until October 30, 2014. The opening reception takes place on the evening of October 16, at 6-8pm. Entrance is free and all are warmly welcomed to attend.   About the ArtistGior...

Paul's Focacceria opened in 1904, the same year the ice cream cone was invented and Cy Young threw the first perfect game. Paul's was located on a residential street just a few blocks away from the Brooklyn piers, and it served traditional Sicilian sandwiches to the local Italian community and Italian longshoremen clamoring for a taste of home. &n...

September 19 (Saturday) 2:00 pm. Author Dr. David Mercaldo will present his latest book The Other Italians. The book is an historical view of a major component of the Italian and Italian American culture dealing with the historical legacy of the Roman Catholic Church and its new millennia transitions. Dr. Mercaldo has authored several books, w...