by Silvia Simonetti   Sometimes we are too prone to think that countries like Italy, rich in artistic, historical, natural, and culinary traditions, barely need any promotion as tourist destinations.   Thanks to its stunning landscapes, fascinating lifestyle, and quality manufacturing, Italy is also supposed to attract investments and...

by Laura Cavestri   The Italian Ministry of Economic Development said its year-long series of "Roadshow for SMEs internationalization" proves that trade groups can work together to help small- and medium-sized companies increase their exports.   This year, 3113 businesses took part in the 12-meeting series of "roadshows" – the first s...

La ripresa nei distretti è gia iniziata, ma adesso si prepara a cambiare marcia. Se nel 2014 il fatturato delle imprese distrettuali è salito dell'1% - mentre l'intero manifatturiero italiana restava al palo - il biennio 2015-2016, spiega il rapporto di Intesa SanPaolo, porterà a un'accelerazione decisa: +3,1% per l'anno in corso, 3,2% per quello s...

The United States are a key export market for Italian companies, as emphasized also by the recent plan to promote Made in Italy launched by Italy's Industry Minister Federica Guidi, that devotes 30% of total resources outside Italy to the US market.   Several platforms already exist or are about to be launched to help Italian companies expan...

by Eleanor Shannon   By "real" Italian wine, I mean quality wine made by artisan vintners: stewards of land and culture, who grow grapes with organic, biodynamic or sustainable methods and who intervene minimally in the cellar.   Their wine reads like a story in a bottle, a liquid recollection of place and people. Why drink "real...

Non importa come sarà il futuro, spiega Bruce Sterling, celebre autore di libri di fantascienza e, se si può dire, esperto del ramo. Soprattutto, dice, per quanto riguarda l'Italia. «Parlare di futuro implica decidere quale futuro si considera, se a breve termine, a medio termine o a lungo termine. L'Italia ha una grande storia, e il futuro al...

Many years ago, back when my wife was just my girlfriend and I was visiting her family for the first time in rural Italy, I spoke about as much Italian as a plate of spaghetti Bolognese. Unfortunately, her family spoke as much English as a chicken pot pie, so there were plenty of hilarious misunderstandings.   I tried my best with what littl...

by Chiara Beghelli   Hotels' guest books serve as their résumé: the more famous are the guests who have stayed in their rooms and the oldest their names, the more the hotel can boast a claim to excellence. In Italy, many hotels have an impressive résumé, also thanks to the Grand Tour tradition that, at least since the Seventeenth century, h...

di Giulia Cimpanelli   Niente più operazioni chirurgiche invasive per curare i tumori addominali. A consentirlo il progetto «Futura» finanziato dalla Comunità europea e coordinato dai ricercatori italiani della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa. Che ha sviluppato una piattaforma innovativa che non richiede l'inserimento di aghi o l'uso di b...

Italian manufacturing and craftsmanship continues to gain in strength and prestige as another Italian product wins an award, this time for innovation. In terms of luxury merged with design and innovation, Italy continues to be at the forefront in a number of industries, including those the automotive and naval ones.   In fact, in the 2015 Ca...

We interviewed Lando Simonetti, a very successful entrepreneur with never-ending anecdotes during his 30 years as CEO of La Martina and in the polo world. A visionary man down to business. Founder and president of the world's most famous fashion polo brand. We spoke with Lando in his very elegant La Martina boutique in Recoleta, Buenos Aires....

It's well known that there is a long history of bright Italian inventions, from art and architecture to food and technology. Since the Roman Empire era, the peninsula has been the perfect habitat for creativity, genius and maverick thinkers.   Many of you probably remember genius like Donatello or Leonardo Da Vinci or Galileo Galilei, but th...