Sicily, Italy’s second-largest vineyard (and No. 1 for organic) grows, driven by its white wines

May 06, 2024 267

Enhanced, over the years, by a choral project such as Doc Sicilia, and by singularities that have begun to shine in their own light, such as Etna or the Val di Noto, the Sicily of wine has become one of the most prominent regions of Italian wine, thanks to the investments in research, quality and high-level hospitality made by so many enlightened wineries capable, more than in other areas of Italy, of working together, with “visionary” projects such as that of Assovini Sicilia, founded 25 years ago by the three “noble fathers” of Sicilian wine: Diego Planeta, Giacomo Rallo (Donnafugata) and Lucio Tasca (Tasca d’Almerita).

A quarter of a century falls in the 20 years of “Sicilia en Primeur”, the main event of the Sicilian wine continent, staged in Cefalù May 9-11. “Cultivating the future” is the theme of the 2024 edition chosen by Assovini, led by Mariangela Cambria (Cottanera), and presented, today in Palermo, along with a Unicredit-Nomisma Wine Monitor study. From this, it emerges that Sicily is the second largest “vineyard” in Italy, with 95,760 hectares under cultivation, and is the first region in terms of organic vineyard area. 

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