The quirkiest Carnevali in Italy

Feb 15, 2023 451

BY: Luca Signorini

Carnevale is here! It’s a time of joy, feasting on delicious food and enjoying your friends’ company, possibly dressed up in fun costumes. The Italian tradition of Carnevale is renowned around the world: who isn’t familiar with the Carnevale di Venezia, that of Viareggio, or that of Putignano?

There is so much creativity, tradition, and joy de vivre behind each Carnevale’s characterization and performance, everywhere in the country. Because, yes! Each town and village celebrates its own way. There are some places, though, where Carnevale is even more creative and peculiar than everywhere else, sometimes because of people’s ingenuity, sometimes because of local history and a desire to keep it alive.

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