Pizza: A Quick Slice of History

Apr 14, 2017 820

BY: Sarika Rana

Imagine yourself digging into a slice of freshly baked flatbread filled with all things nice and warm and topped with your favorite veggies or meats! Can you resist the taste of pizza anymore? That’s what a good pizza does to you! Pizza, widely famous and one of the most exotic fast food dishes is enjoyed by all age groups worldwide.

The origins of this yeast-based flatbread topped with considerate amount of cheese and other toppings, famously known as pizza, holds a hazy past. While the common belief says pizza originated in Italy, some common stories go back to the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians cooking flat bread in mud ovens. Cheap, filling and easy to make, the ancient Greeks were known to cover their flatbreads with herbs, dates and oil. Tomatoes were not yet discovered at this time.

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