The Man Who Brought Leonardo and Galileo Into the 21st Century

Dec 29, 2018 871

BY: Elisabetta Povoledo

Just Google, “10 greatest geniuses of all times,” and it is highly likely that two of the names on that list will be Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. Now, think about what you would do if you were put in charge of bringing their legacy into the 21st century, in all its complexity, as neither man can be reduced to one simple label, say “artist” or “astronomer.” Both were proverbial, intellectually omnivorous Renaissance men.

But that is the life’s work of Paolo Galluzzi, the longtime director of Florence’s Museo Galileo and former director of the Biblioteca Leonardiana, the research center dedicated to things Leonardo, who has successfully masterminded the conversion of the two analog geniuses into the digital age.

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