Make Your Own Limoncello Italian Liqueur

May 06, 2015 631

True Limoncello is made in Sorrento, from lemons whose trees overlook the Mediterranean. However, if you have good lemons where you live (I'd want organically grown here), you can get pretty close and it's not difficult.

Ingredients: •15 thick-skinned lemons (Eureka, Lisbon or Citron if you're in the US) •2 bottles (750 ml each) of the best 100 proof Vodka or a 750 ml bottle of 190-proof alcohol. If you prefer to go organic, use Punzoné Organic Vodka from Italy. •4 1/2 cups (1 k) sugar •5 cups (1.2 liters) water if you use vodka, or 8 (2 liters) if you use grain alcohol

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