"The Italian Art of Living": An Inspiring Author

Dec 04, 2020 283

BY: Silvia Donati

Given the year we’ve gone through, a book like "The Italian Art of Living: Your Passport to Hope, Happiness and Your Personal Renaissance" is just what we need. Taking inspiration from the ‘Italian art of living,’ the book’s author, Dawn Mattera, shows us that “we have the power to create a happy and meaningful life no matter what the circumstances are.”

The circumstances may seem too dire at the moment for that, and the widespread feeling of discouragement and frustration doesn’t help either. Yet, you can always choose your attitude; and, a positive and loving attitude can make a difference for those around you. Isn’t that a good enough reason to at least try? It’s a shift in perspective that can make wonders, Dawn says. 

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SOURCE: https://www.italymagazine.com

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