In Pompeii, an ancient laundry comes back to life

Aug 21, 2016 842

by Lorenzo Zanini

Talking about a "return to the past" at Pompeii may not exactly make sense, because the place itself was frozen in the past by the 79 AD eruption of the Vesuvius volcano. Yet in this case the phrase seems to fit: visitors can now parts of some of the buildings as they were during the daily lives of their wealthy inhabitants before the eruption that buried the city in ash.

They are part of a project aimed at enhancing the Pompeii site and which consists in setting up a number of locations in some parts of the ancient city, each dedicated to a specific theme. Visitors can thus embark on a multi-stop journey and discover the archaeological site step by step. The "Fullonica of Stephanus" is an ancient laundry facility located along the Via dell'Abbondanza, a road connecting the Amphitheatre, the Forum, the theaters, the temples and the baths, in short, all the places where ancient Pompeii daily life took place.

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Fonte: Italy24


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