Hike Italy Coast To Coast With Calabria’s New Trail Initiative

Dec 15, 2020 715

BY: Melanie Hamilton

The social distancing protocols brought on by the pandemic has given people around the globe a newfound appreciation for nature. Being forced to swap crowded Sunday brunches for hiking trails and big neighbourhood barbecues for solitary walks has led more people than ever outdoors. If you too have gone full-blown nature lover, Italy has something in store for you.

The new trail initiative in Calabria allows travellers to hike Italy coast to coast. Italy’s Southern Calabria region is most recognizable by its stunning beaches, sky-high cliffs and hidden villages. Plus, in true Italian fashion, the region is famous for its culinary delights. We’re talkin’ lagane e cicciari and peperoni a forno.

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SOURCE: https://bigseventravel.com

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