Hidden Tuscany: Discovering Art, Culture, and Memories in a Well-Known Region’s Unknown Places.

Jul 20, 2015 580

by Kenneth Scambray

John Keahey is a journalist turned travel writer who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some years ago on a visit to Italy he became enamored with Italian culture: its history and art. His falling for Italy in such a big way is understandable. He joins the legions of writers since the seventeenth century who have written about their Italian journeys.

Besides the book under review, he has also written Seeking Sicily, Venice Against the Sea, and A Sweet and Glorious Land: Revisiting the Ionia Sea, which I reviewed in this column when it appeared in 2000. In the latter book Keahey follows in the footsteps of George Gissing's 1897 classic, By the Ionian Sea: Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy.

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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